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"D n her ... Well, never mind, I must spend this last evening with you; you shall both dine with me. Je quitte Paris demain matin, peut-être pour longtemps; je voudrais passer ma dernière soirée avec mon ami; alors si vous voulez bien me permettre, mademoiselle, je vous invite tous les deux

Nous etions tous deux membres du jury de l'Exposition Universelle. On n'avait rien fait qui vaille a la premiere seance de notre classe, qui avait eu lieu le matin. Tout le monde avait parle et reparle pour ne rien dire. Cela durait depuis huit heures; il etait midi.

Into the house Regina passed slowly, a trifle paler from her matin reverie; and when she entered the pretty breakfast-room, Mr. Chesley had just deposited his fruity burden upon the floor. "Thank you, dear Uncle Orme. Mother will enjoy her peaches when she knows you gathered them with the dew still upon their down. Go, finish your dream; Heaven grant it be sweet!

and threw the glowing emblazonry of the tinted pane upon the Mosaic pavement of the choir; while the loud and slowly-pealing matin reverberated through the sumptuous church.

By the young knight's order, all in Dickson's house were despatched earlier to rest than usual; the matin bell of the neighbouring chapel being the signal for their assembly by daybreak.

Instantly the silver laugh was set a-tinkling, and, with delightful gestures, Milord was led captive to the sofa. 'C'est l'aurore qui vient pour dissiper les brumes du matin, Mrs. Barton declared as she settled her skirts over her ankles. "Qu'elle est superbe en son désordre Quand elle tombe. . . ." 'Hush, hush! exclaimed Mrs.

He could hear the sounding of matin invitatories; chimes telling a rosary of harmony over tortuous labyrinths of narrow streets, over cornet towers, over pepper-box pignons, over dentelated walls; the chimes chanting the canonical hours, prime and tierce, sexte and none, vespers and compline; celebrating the joy of a city with the tinkling laughter of the little bells, tolling its sorrow with the ponderous lamentation of the great ones.

He rose and walked across to the window, opening it a little wider. He listened till the last notes had died away. "What is that tune they have just played?" he asked. "You'll hear it often enough," said the doctor. "A Frenchman writing in the Matin the other day called it the 'National Anthem of the fait accompli."

It was a clear, moonlight night and when the glowworm showed the matin to be near or, more correctly, when it neared twelve o'clock Brown beckoned to the waiter, paid his bill out of a fat roll of greenbacks, winked good-naturedly at us, and bade his friends good- night. A moment or two later Gottlieb whispered to me to follow him and we stepped forth upon the street.

I shot him through the shoulder." "Then he should regain consciousness pretty quick," declared Chester. "Oh, he's conscious right now," said Hal. "He's just shamming a bit. Isn't that so, Matin?" Matin sat up. "What of it?" he demanded. "Nothing," returned Hal, "except that the next time you come near me, except in the performance of duty, you will not get off so lightly."