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DOÑA MATILDE. No lo creas ... eso cualquiera lo haría ... y es también menos dramático. BRUNO. ¿Menos qué? DOÑA MATILDE. Vaya, despáchate en abrir la reja ... mira que creo que ya ha dado la media. BRUNO. ¿Qué había de dar? no, señora ... ni por pienso.... Dios nos libre de que hubiera dado. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿No abres?

You know it all. There is only that one way. Failing that, I must go mad. One can recover from madness, you know." "Yes," said Matilde, thoughtfully. "But it is a very difficult thing to do well. They have expert doctors, who know the real thing from the imitation." Gregorio looked up suddenly.

Matilde had risen, however, and had moved a step forward to meet the visitor, speaking at the same time, as though to direct him to herself, with the somewhat maternal air which even young women sometimes assume in greeting old men. The Duca della Spina smiled rather feebly as he took the outstretched hand, and slowly sat down upon the sofa beside Matilde.

Some time passed before she answered, and then it was by a vague question. "Well?" Again they looked at each other. "That is certainly bad," said Macomer, thoughtfully. "What are we to do? Speak to her about it? You can say that you found Elettra's door open, at this hour." "It would do no good," answered Matilde. "We could not prevent her from having her maid there, if she wishes it."

Gregorio lay howling with pain in his room. But Matilde had warned him that it would come, after they had left Veronica's room together, and he knew that everything depended on his not hinting at the truth. The doctor came to Matilde first. Far away, at the other end of the house, Elettra was with Veronica.

His voice broke, and the weak, sincere tears broke from the watery eyes and trickled down the wasted cheeks piteously, while his head turned slowly from side to side in sorrowfully hopeless regret. "It has only been decided this evening," said Matilde. "We should have written to you in the morning." "Of course," echoed her husband, gravely. "It was our duty to let you know at once."

He went out half an hour later, and before four o'clock Veronica despatched Elettra to Don Teodoro with three thousand francs in bank notes. But the diamonds which Matilde had left at the jeweller's were worth far more than that, and she had got more than that for them.

As for what Don Teodoro had said of his having loved Matilde, she believed that less than all the rest, if possible; and the fact that the priest had said it proved beyond all doubt to her that he was out of his mind. Beyond that, it had not prejudiced her against him, for there was a certain noble loftiness in her character which could largely forgive an unmeant wrong.

DOÑA MATILDE. No.... .... ¡Válgame Dios, qué desgraciada soy! BRUNO. ¡Desgraciada! ¿Qué dice usted? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy desgraciada, muy desgraciada! BRUNO. Pues señor, ¿qué ha sucedido? acaso su papá de usted....

Anímase don Eduardo a pedir la mano de Matilde a don Pedro, quien gustosísimo se la concede, pero en el momento de convenir en tan deseado enlace, sabe la heroína que don Eduardo no es pobre, nota que no hay en esta boda los obstáculos que en las de sus novelas ha leído, desama de pronto a quien tanto amó y despide a don Eduardo.