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She thought the maid had come to say that Veronica was dead. Almost violently the woman dragged the physician away with her, and Matilde smiled in the midst of her sufferings. It would be useless to chronicle the details of the night and of the following morning. The three poisoned persons were almost recovered within twelve hours.

DON EDUARDO. No veo el por qué había yo de estar fuera de cuando me lisonjeo con la esperanza de que su padre de usted, que es íntimo amigo de mi tío, me concederá esa linda mano, en cuya posesión se cifra toda mi felicidad. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y si se la niega a usted?

A dead silence followed, which lasted several seconds. Matilde had laid her hand upon the Duca's arm, as though to give him courage, and she felt it tremble under her touch, for he loved his son very dearly. "You might have written me this news," he said at last, in a low voice and with a dazed look. "You might you might have spared me oh, my son! My poor Gianluca!"

The belt, as was to be expected, did not fit at all, and Veronica put on her own again. The maid moved about the room, setting things in order. "Give him a sign, if you wish him to speak when you meet," said Matilde, in a low voice. "It will be so much easier for him. Wear a flower in your frock to-night at dinner any flower. May I tell him that?"

Lo que tendré serán trabajos ... y humillaciones ... y jabonaduras ... ¡ah Eduardo! mucho te quiero, muchísimo, pero si hubiera sabido.... BRUNO. ¡Señorita! DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. ¡Pobrecita mía! Metida en esta pocilga. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y papá? ¿Cómo está papá? Pobre papá, cómo le he ofendido. BRUNO. Está bueno ... no tenga usted cuidado ... y él es quien me ha dicho donde vivían ustedes.

It would go hard, if Matilde could not divert Veronica's attention for one moment while she dropped the lumps into the cups, having concealed them in her handkerchief beforehand. There would be no servant in the room, for Elettra would have gone out. Gregorio would know beforehand what was to be done and would help to divert Veronica at the right moment.

And there were screws. At last they went away, and Matilde set the tall candlesticks on each side of the velvet thing, and looked at it again. Then she, too, with still covered head, went towards the door. But between the coffin and the door, she stood still, swaying a little, till she fell to her full length backwards and straight, as a cypress tree falls when it is cut down.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Pobre de si no tuviera otras amigas! DON EDUARDO. ¿Cuáles? DOÑA MATILDE. Toma, las mismas que tenía antes de ayer. DON EDUARDO. ¿Viven todas ellas en quinto piso? DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué sabe esa mujer lo que dice? Amigas tengo yo, con quienes me he criado en las Salesas, que si me vieran pidiendo limosna.... DON EDUARDO. Te la darían quizá.

DON EDUARDO. El caso es que cada cual tiene su amor propio ... y para ... la verdad ... no puede ser plato de gusto el entrar en tu familia como un pobretón. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué importa eso? DON EDUARDO. A mucho ... y se me caería la cara de vergüenza. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero, hombre, ¿no ves que tu tío te tiene, por fuerza, que perdonar también pronto?

Suddenly the silence was broken by the Registrar, who began to read the declarations. "I hereby declare that I, James Hicks, know of no impediment whereby I may not be joined in matrimony with Matilde, Matilde is it Matilde or Matilda?"