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There was little of comedy in the future Madame de Maintenon; though, after all, there was doubtless as much as there need have been in the wife of a poor man who was moved to compose for his tomb such an epitaph as this, which I quote from the "Biographie Universelle": "Celui qui cy maintenant dort, Fit plus de pitie que d'envie, Et souffrit mille fois la mort, Avant que de perdre la vie.

Glozel had said to her neighbours afterwards that the funeral cost over seventy-five dollars and had set up a stone to her memory on which was carved, "Chez nous autrefois, et chez Dieu maintenant" which was to say, "Our home once, and God's Home now." That done, with a sorrow which still had the peace of finality in his mind, he had turned his face to the West.

A poor welcome she received, the would-be borrower! a welcome that has become proverbial, and her chief title to celebrity. The petty malice of the two short lines Vous chantiez! j'en suis bien aise, Eh bien, dansez maintenant! has done more to immortalise the insect than her skill as a musician. "You sang! I am very glad to hear it! Now you can dance!"

It will be an awful game if you do, and I'll promise to keep the fellows from grinning. Maintenant, il faut que je close haut. Donnez mon amour a mere et pere, et esperant que vous etes tout droit, souvenez me votre aimant frere, Arthur Herapath. Dig envoie son amour a tous."

Then came the fatal "Maintenant!" from the Vicomte, the platform fell, and Elie Mattingley dropped the length of the rope. What was the consternation of the Vicomte and the hangman, and the horror of the crowd, to see that Mattingley's toes just touched the ground! The body shook and twisted. The man was being slowly strangled, not hanged.

Tu es mienne avant que tu sois morte; Les corps qui sont ici, la ville peut les prendre; Ils garderont au front comme une croix de cendre Le vestige du dieu que tu es maintenant!"

It has to be noted that both in the armistice and in the peace treaty the most serious decisions were arrived at almost incidentally; moreover they were always vitiated by slight concessions apparently of importance. On November 2, 1917, when the representatives of the different nations met at Paris to fix the terms of armistice, M. Tardieu relates, the question of reparation for damages was decided quite incidentally. It is worth while reproducing what he says in his book, taken from the official report: M. CLEMENCEAU: Je voudrais venir maintenant sur la question des réparations et des tonnages. On ne comprenderait pas chez nous, en France, que nous n'inscrivions pas dans l'armistice une clause

Ce port est beau, profond et bien fermé. La ville elle-même paroît avoir été grande et forte; mais il n'y subsiste plus maintenant que trois cent maisons situées

He died with these words on his lips: "Maintenant, Angele!" In due time the island people forgot them both, but the Seigneur of Rozel caused a stone to be set up on the highest point of land that faces France, and on the stone were carved the names of Michel and Angele.

'Le pauvre Monseigneur d'Elbeuf, Qui n'avait aucun ressource, Et qui ne mangeait que du boeuf. Le pauvre Monseigneur d'Elbeuf, A maintenant un habit neuf Et quelques justes dans sa bourse. Le pauvre Monseigneur d'Elbeuf, Qui n'avait aucun ressource. There was more sense in taking the Duke of Bouillon, though he was not his brother, M. de Turenne. These young men were in high spirits.