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Well, that's behind us now, and you look down across the line into Arizona and Mexico. That long slope of gray is the head of the San Bernardino Valley. Straight across you see the black Chiricahua Mountains, and away down to the south the Guadalupe Mountains. That awful red gulf between is the desert, and far, far beyond the dim, blue peaks are the Sierra Madres in Mexico."

She saw a bare, hummocky ridge, down which the car was gliding, bounding, swinging, and this long slant seemed to merge into a corrugated world of rock and sand, patched by flats and basins, streaked with canyons and ranges of ragged, saw-toothed stone. The distant Sierra Madres were clearer, bluer, less smoky and suggestive of mirage than she had ever seen them.

The night breeze sprang up, fanning the parched desert with its cool breath. The stars came forth and the silver rim of the moon emerged above the dark towering mass of the Sierra Madres, outlining their crests in broken silvery lines as its full white disk swept into view; flooding the valley and plains with strange ethereal light. José's sleep seemed troubled.

I always get up sore in the mawnin's, an' don't feel good till noon. But in the afternoon I get sorta warm an' like things. An' sunset is my time. I reckon I don't want nothin' any finer than sunset from my ranch. You look out over a valley that spreads wide between Guadalupe Mountains an' the Chiricahuas, down across the red Arizona desert clear to the Sierra Madres in Mexico.

It plunged into the ocean in a dozen spots at once. It swarmed over sand which had never known anything but cactus and the Sierra Madres became great humps of green against the skyline. This last conquest shocked those who had thought the mountains immune in their inhospitable heights. Cynodon dactylon, uninoculated, had always shunned coldness, though it survived some degrees of frost.

And all the way by ship down the coast to San Diego and across the Sierra Madres by stage, and so on to this last overland travel by horseback, he had felt a retreating of the self that was tranquil and happy and a dominating of this unknown somber self, with its menacing possibilities.

"We'll camp yonder, José," said the Captain, pointing to a thick group of pines that grew on the opposite side of the stream on whose bank they had halted. They had arrived at the foot of the Sierra Madres from whose side the stream burst and along whose banks their trail led to the upper world where it dropped down again on the other side of the great mountainous divide into Sonora.

Just as the last curve of red rim vanished beyond the dim Sierra Madres and the golden lightning began to flare brighter Helen broke the silence with an exclamation. "It wants only life. Ah, there's a horse climbing the hill! See, he's up! He has a rider!" Madeline knew before she looked the identity of the man riding up the mesa.

La esterilidad física es combatida y se considera como una desgracia en la mujer; pero queremos condenarla a una perpetua esterilidad política que es lo mismo decir esterilidad patriótica al impedirla que tome parte en el sufragio que da a los ciudadanos el medio más efectivo para influir en los destinos sociales y en el mejoramiento de los negocios públicos. ¿Cómo inculcar en los niños, esa prenda sagrada del porvenir de una nación, el culto y la en la Patria y en la libertad si no se les da a las madres la educación práctica que envuelve en el privilegio del voto, si se les enseña que el gobierno y la política son divinidades extrañas, en cuyos templos les está vedado penetrar, si sobre mismas sienten el estigma de inferioridad e incapacidad para hablar a sus hijos de los negocios públicos y de los intereses de la nación y del Estado?

Be careful coming down the trail. Let the horse pick his way. That's all." She rode Majesty across the wide flat, up the zigzag trail, across the beautiful grassy level to the far rim of the mesa, and not till then did she lift her eyes to face the southwest. Madeline looked from the gray valley at her feet to the blue Sierra Madres, gold-tipped in the setting sun.