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"In fact, if what you say is true, it will literally swallow up the house. Digest it. Convert it into devilgrass." "Cynodon dactylon. What I say is true. How much elementary physics is involved in that trick?" "But that's terrible," protested Gootes. He regarded a bowl of algae as if about to make it disappear.

The Federal Disruptions Commission has published the eleventh volume of its report and is currently holding hearings to determine how closely the extinct buffalograss is related to Cynodon dactylon. Every research laboratory in the country, except those whose staffs and equipment have been moved with their proprietary industries, is expending its energies in seeking a salvation.

The United States and more than half of Mexico had been wiped from the map. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Nome to Veracruz stretched a new Sargasso Sea of Cynodon dactylon. A hundred and eighty million men, women, and children had been thrust from their homes by a despised weed.

The inoculated grass had always been a shade or two more intense than ordinary Cynodon dactylon; this, just beyond the orange, was still more brilliant. Not only that, but it behaved unaccountably. It writhed and spumed upward in great clumps, culminating in enormous, overhanging caps inevitably suggesting the mushroomcloud of the bomb.

But all this husbandman reaps is Cynodon dactylon. A commentary." "Progress," I pointed out. "Now they have machines to harvest grain. All uptodate farmers use them; only the backward ones stick to primitive tools and have to make a living by taking on odd jobs." "Progress," she repeated, looking from the scythewielder to me and back again. "Progress, Weener.

It plunged into the ocean in a dozen spots at once. It swarmed over sand which had never known anything but cactus and the Sierra Madres became great humps of green against the skyline. This last conquest shocked those who had thought the mountains immune in their inhospitable heights. Cynodon dactylon, uninoculated, had always shunned coldness, though it survived some degrees of frost.

She rubbed the back of her hand against her singularly smooth cheek. "Bermuda. Cynodon dactylon. Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could I have been so blind? Did I think only the corn would be affected and not the weeds in the furrows? Or that something like this might not happen?" I didnt feel like wasting any more time listening to her soliloquy. "This morning," I continued, "it was as green "

"There is no profit for you in this politeness, Weener," she said abruptly. "I am here to beg a favor." "Anything I can do for you, Miss Francis, will be a pleasure," I assured her. She began using a toothpick, but it was not the oldfashioned gold one just an ordinary wooden splinter. "Hum. You remember asking me to superintend gathering specimens of Cynodon dactylon?"

"I doubt if I could combine my research with your attempt to process the inoculated Cynodon dactylon. However, that would not prevent me from taking you up and using you in order to further a good cause. But I am not yet ready I shall not be ready for some time, to go directly to the Grass. That must come later. No, Weener."

Botanists pointed out that Cynodon dactylon, despite its ability to sheathe itself against a chill, had never flourished in cold areas and there was no reason to suppose the inoculated grass, even with its abnormal metabolism, could withstand climates foreign to its habit. It was true it had touched, in one place, the arctic tundra, but it was confidently expected this excursion would soon cease.