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'Plus de joie m'est donnee Par ce moyen, O Dieu Tres-Haut, Que n'ont ceux qui ont grand annee De froment et bonne vinee, D'huile et tout ce qu'il leur faut. If it had indeed been the ghostly chant, perhaps Eustacie would not have been able to help joining it. As it was, the familiar home words irresistibly impelled her to mingle her voice, scarce knowing what she did, in the verse

Quant a la reputation, en comparaison du bonheur de vivre tranquillement avec toi, elle m'est absolument indifferente. Il me semble que lorsque le mari et la femme sont si parfaitement d'accord sur le but de la vie, il doit etre facile d'y parvenir.

"De mon bien, on mon mal, Mon esprit m'est oracle." And of this I had a convincing proof on the arrival of the King of Poland, when the Queen my mother went to meet him. Amidst the embraces and compliments of welcome in that warm season, crowded as we were together and stifling with heat, I found a universal shivering come over me, which was plainly perceived by those near me.

He bowed deeply and thanked me, and then under his breath, as he stooped to pick up a flower I had dropped, he said, "Vous avez brisé mon coeur, et cela m'est égal ce qui arrive," but I don't believe it, Mamma, he has not got a heart to break, he is only a silly doll and worthy of Victorine.

Have you any objection?" "But, my dear fellow in the face of day in the streets of Paris! We shall get taken up by the police!" "Then suppose we get out of the streets of Paris? I'm tired enough, Heaven knows, of cultivating the arid soil of the Pavé. See, it's a glorious afternoon. Let's go somewhere." "With all my heart. Where?" "Ah, mon Dieu! ça m'est égal. Enghien Vincennes St.

No, I'll belay, and let my betters get a word in now." "You are more merciful than most story-tellers, sir," said Talboys. Eve tossed her head and looked at Lucy, who with a word could have the story go on again. That young lady's face expressed general complacency, politeness, and tout m'est egal. Eve could have beat her for not taking David's part. "Doubleface!" thought she.

Camille suppressed a yawn. "I don't know. Qui vivra verra." He was glad when they were all gone, Gontrand and Tor di Rocca and the rest, and he could stretch himself and sigh, and sing at the top of his voice: "'Nicholas, je vais me pendre Qu'est-ce que tu vas dire de cela? Si vous vous pendez ou v'vous pendez pas Ça m'est ben egal, Mam'zelle.

Monsieur, Vous devez me connaitre, quoique je ne vous connais pas le moins du monde. Il m'est defendu de lire vos romans, je ne sais trop pourquoi; mais j'ai bien lu la notice que M. Henry James a consacree, dans le Fortnightly Review, a votre aimable talent. Vous n'aimez pas, a ce qu'il parait, ni "la sale Angleterre" ni les filles de ce pays immonde.

J'ai su que le mois de janvier avait ete mauvais, et quoique j'eusse bien des fois l'envie de prendre la plume, elle m'est tombee des mains lorsque j'ai reflechi que j'ignorais malheureusement dans quel etat de corps et d'esprit ma lettre pourrait vous trouver. Pendant tout l'hiver j'ai recu par lettre et de bouche une infinite de demandes sur votre etat.

'Guenille si l'on veut, ma guenille m'est chère. But I'll go down to Harsh with you in a moment, Julia," Nick pursued: "that would do as well if we could be quiet there, without people, without a creature; and I should really be perfectly content. You'd beautifully sit for me; it would be the occasion we've so often wanted and never found."