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He fabricates, out of the refuse of the blood, that bile which is so valuable in the economy of the human frame. This bile is neither more nor less than the deposit left by the little drops of blood in the innumerable minute liver-cells. See what an ingenious arrangement, and in what a simple way two objects are effected by one operation!

Haeckel had already compared the yellow cells of Radiolarians to the so-called liver-cells of Velella; but the brothers Hertwig first recalled attention to the subject in 1879 by expressing their opinion that the well-known "pigment bodies" which occur in the endoderm cells of the tentacles of many sea-anemones were also parasitic algae.

Now, in a sense, the living body is a museum containing specimens of different kinds of cells. There are brain-cells, liver-cells, bone-cells, scores of different varieties of cells, and all of them, so to speak, are arranged in their appropriate cases.

Johnnes Muller at first supposed them to be concerned with reproduction, but afterward gave up this view. In his famous monograph of the Radiolarians, Haeckel suggests that they are probably secreting cells or digestive glands in the simplest form, and compares them to the liver-cells of Amphioxus, and the "liver-cells" described by Vogt in Velella and Porpita.