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There seems to be no supply train, artillery, or regular stores. These are not the men who can overawe the compact California community. Far gray rocky sandhills stretch along the Texan border. Over the Rio Grande, rich mountain scenery delights the eye. It instantly recalls to Valois the old Southern dream of taking the "Zona Libre."

A hardness and economy of speech. 3. Individuality of rhythm; vers libre. 4. The exact word. The Imagists would like to possess 'le mot qui fait image, l'adjectif inattendu et precis qui dessine de pied en cap et donne la senteur de la chose qu'il est charge de rendre, la touche juste, la couleur qui chatoie et vibre."

But where do you draw the line and fix the limit? What is the exact dose? Dorriforth. It's a question of taste and tact. Florentia. And did you find taste and tact in that coal-hole of the Théâtre Libre? Dorriforth. Coal-hole is again your joke.

Miss Amy Lowell, sister of President Lowell of Harvard, is not only a distinguished poetess, being by many considered the head of the Vers Libre school in this country, but she is also the guardian of a most handsome and stately presence. Oliver Herford, himself a poet and wit, doubtless inspired by envy, recently remarked of her that

Mme. de Sevigne finds Voiture "libre, badin, charmant," and disposes of his critics by saying, "So much the worse for those who do not understand him." One is often puzzled to detect this rare spirituelle quality; but it is fair to presume that it was of the volatile sort that evaporates with time.

[Footnote 75: "Mais lorsque, malgré le dégoût de la chaîne domestique, nous voyons naître entre les males et les femelles ces sentiments que la nature a partout fondés sur un libre choix: lorsque l'amour a commencé a unir ces couples captifs, alors leur esclavage, devenu pour eux aussi doux que la douce liberté, leur fait oublier peu

Suddenly she stopped. "All this is play!" she said, turning to her rapt audience. "Now you shall see the real thing: you shall see Cuba libre. But for this I must have another person; it is impossible to do it alone. Margaret, no! Peggy can better do this! Peggy, come, and you shall be Spain, the tyrant."

Two of them, the Ezetas, were father and son, and the Volunteer band played all the time the execution was going on, so that the other prisoners might not hear them cry 'Cuba Libre' when the order came to fire. But we heard them." The senator shivered slightly and pulled his fur collar up farther around his face. "I'd like to talk with you," he said, "if you have nothing to do to-morrow.

It had only one plank in its platform Cuba Libre y Independiente whatever the cost to the island and its people. "The Autonomist group," says Mr. Pepper, in his Tomorrow in Cuba, "became as much a political party as it could become under Spanish institutions." It grew in strength and influence, and continued its agitation persistently and stubbornly.

But for me, you would now be doing worse than write poetry. You would be writing vers libre. I saved you from that. And you spurn me!" "I hate you!" said Ann. Jimmy went to the writing-desk and took up a small book. "Put that down!" "I just wanted to read you 'Love's Funeral! It illustrates my point.