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Leucorrhea has already been mentioned. Contact with the acrid, irritating internal secretions also causes soreness of the fingers at the root of the nails, and warts. Congestion and other diseases are other ultimate results of the habit; and these congestions to which it gives rise unduly hasten the advent of puberty.

It is said that anæmia improves after a few hypnotic treatments, the appetite becomes better, the cold hands and feet grow warmer, the headaches disappear, the capacity for work increases rapidly, and most surprising of all the leucorrhea ceases. As to heart disease, we ought to think in the first place of the disturbances of nervous innervation.

Itching of the skin over the extremities or over the whole body, it is clear, cannot be attributed to leucorrhea, but in these very rare cases the irritation would seem to be caused by some waste product which is being eliminated through the sweat glands.

In this case it is possible that, if the exposure took place just previous to the time of the expected flow, one period may remain out. But except in case of serious illness, as for example, typhoid fever, two or more periods do not fail to appear except in the case of pregnancy. Leucorrhea.

At that time, owing to its antiseptic qualities, this pale white fluid should not be disturbed by the use of douches. In the early months of pregnancy, however, leucorrhea may cause such inconvenience as to demand medical treatment. While itching is the most disagreeable effect of such a vaginal discharge, it should be known that itching is not always due to leucorrhea.

Self-abuse usually has a marked effect on the genital organs of girls. The inner organs become unnaturally enlarged and distended, and leucorrhea, catarrh of the vagina, attended by a discharge of greenish-white mucus, often develops. Local diseases, due to this cause, result in girls as well as boys. Temporary congestions become permanent, and develop into permanent irritations and disorders.

When a woman catches this disease, particularly from her husband, she is very likely to interpret the discharge as a leucorrhea, may say nothing about it to her husband or her physician, but adopt simple home treatment with antiseptic and astringent douches. Such treatment will usually result in allaying the inflammation in the superficial organs, but will not eradicate it from the deeper organs.

All pelvic inflammations should be promptly treated, and not allowed to become chronic. Leucorrhea is a symptom of inflammation, the true cause of which can be determined only by local examination. Women who have given birth to children and this is more especially necessary as they near the age of forty years should be carefully examined for tears of the neck of the womb.

The prominent symptoms of the climacteric were as follows: Marked debility, 24; intense nervousness, 31; nervous prostration, 9; melancholia, 10; headache, 14; neuralgia, 6; hysteria, 7; irritable heart, 11; tachycardia, 8; insomnia, 19; indigestion, 32; constipation, 28; diarrhea, 3; leucorrhea, 38; rheumatism, 21; gout, 1; Bright's disease, 12; hemorrhage, 6; alcoholism, 2; corpulency, 2.

Nausea and Vomiting Heartburn Flatulence Defective Teeth Pressure Symptoms: Swelling of the Feet; Varicose Veins; Hemorrhoids; Shortness of Breath Leucorrhea Toxemias. Most of the ailments to which prospective mothers are liable are merely the natural manifestations of pregnancy, exaggerated to such an extent as to cause inconvenience and discomfort.