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If the child is not merely weakly but also ricketty, the contracted chest will leave less room than natural for the lungs, while at the same time the ordinary development of the hips being arrested by the rickets, the disproportion is further increased both by that and by the flatulence due to the imperfect digestion with which the condition is almost always associated.

By this means these sighs become odourless, and scandal is avoided. "The girl, much pleased, learned how to sail close to the wind, thanked her mother, and danced away merrily, storing up her flatulence like an organ-blower waiting for the first note of mass. Entering the nuptial chamber, she determined to expel it when getting into bed, but the fantastic element was beyond control.

But when, notwithstanding that due attention is paid to this important point, uneasiness is always produced by taking food, and is not relieved till after the lapse of some twenty minutes, when vomiting takes place, or when the infant suffers much from flatulence and from frequent acid or nauseous eructations, it is clear that the symptoms are due to something more than the mere feebleness of the system.

A patient, just before an attack, is low-spirited; crying without a cause; she is "nervous," as it is called; she has flushings of the face; she is at other times very pale; she has shortness of breath and occasional palpitations of the heart; her appetite is usually bad; she passes quantities of colourless limpid urine, having the appearance of pump water; she is much troubled with flatulence in her bowels, and, in consequence, she feels bloated and uncomfortable.

Europeans enjoy the taste, but dislike the smell of palm-wine; those in whom it causes flatulence should avoid it, but where it agrees it is a pleasant stimulant, pectoral, refreshing, and clearing the primae vice. Mixed with wine or spirits, it becomes highly intoxicating.

By this means these sighs become odourless, and scandal is avoided. "The girl, much pleased, learned how to sail close to the wind, thanked her mother, and danced away merrily, storing up her flatulence like an organ-blower waiting for the first note of mass. Entering the nuptial chamber, she determined to expel it when getting into bed, but the fantastic element was beyond control.

They are soft and pliable and pleasant to the touch, and can be adjusted to any part of the body. Hot water is good for constipation, torpid liver and relieves colic and flatulence, and is of special value. Caution. When hot water bags or any hot fomentation is removed, replace dry flannel and bathe parts in tepid water and rub till dry.

The most efficacious preventive pleasures are sleep, rest, the stopping of pain, prevention of exertion, proper food which does not cause flatulence or other indigestion, good, sufficient daily movements of the bowels, the prevention of intestinal distention, and maintenance of a clean, moist surface of the body, produced by such sponging and bathing as the temperature demands.

Delicate health, chlorosis, improper and not sufficiently nourishing food, grief, anxiety, excitement of the mind, closely confined rooms, want of exercise, indigestion, flatulence and tight-lacing, are the causes which usually produce hysterics.

See Band, Flannel. Flatulence. This is the accumulation of gases in the body, usually caused by fermentation of the food at some part of the digestive process. A failure of the vital energy in the stomach and related organs is generally the cause. Over-exertion, worry, grief, any prolonged strain, will cause this failure.