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Of the Travels of Lepechin, the other associate of Pallas, which were performed 1768-1771, and published in Russian, there is a German translation. Altenburgh, 1774. 3 vols. 4to., of which we have not been able to procure the exact title. Reise von Volhynien nach Cherson en Russland, 1787. Von J.C. Mæller. Hamb. 8vo. Bemerkungen uber Russland en rucksicht auf wissen-schaften Kunst, Religion.

It shows itself in large crystals, if we sprinkle the mass with rain-water and expose it to the sun. The lagoon to the east of the castle of Santiago exhibits all the phenomena which have been observed in the salt lakes of Siberia, described by Lepechin, Gmelin, and Pallas.

The most important and instructive travels which spring from the first source, are those of Bell of Antermony, Pallas, Grnelin, Guldenstedt, Lepechin, &c.

Pallas, Gmelin, Guldenstedt, et Lepechin, dans plusieurs Contrées de la Russe et de la Perse. La Haye, 1779. 2 vol. 4to. & 6 8vo. Nouvelles Relations du Levant. Par Poullet. Paris, 1688. 2 vols. 12mo.