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His leer grew leerier the low, cunning leer, so peculiar to the London mongrel, that seems to say, "I am so intensely knowing; I am so very much all there;" and yet the leerer always remains in a dirty dress, always smokes the coarsest tobacco in the nastiest of pipes, and rides on a barrow to the end of his life.

But our genial Ike is not like that." Wally consumed a mouthful of sole. "Ike Goble is a bad citizen. He paws! He's a slinker and a prowler and a leerer. He's a pest and a worm! He's fat and soft and flabby. He has a greasy soul, a withered heart, and an eye like a codfish. Not knocking him, of course!" added Wally magnanimously. "Far be it from me to knock anyone!

Bismarck wrote on this subject: "Für mich sind die Worte, 'von Gottes Gnaden, welche christliche Herrscher ihrem Namen beifügen, kein leerer Schall, sondern ich sehe darin das Bekenntniss, des Fürsten das Scepter was ihnen Gott verliehen hat, nur nach Gottes Willen auf Erden führen wollen."

The money I should saythe fortune which your father has left to you, will make you a gentleman " He paused, affrighted. Drawing himself up to his full height, young Vergniaud confronted him in haughty amazement. "Gentleman!" he cried "What do you mean by the term? A loafer? a lounger in the streets? a leerer at women?