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Taanach came back to her; and after arranging two candelabra, the lights of which burned in crystal balls filled with water, she tinged the inside of her hands with Lawsonia, spread vermilion upon her cheeks, and antimony along the edge of her eyelids, and lengthened her eyebrows with a mixture of gum, musk, ebony, and crushed legs of flies.

He struck the pavement with his tall cane, the pommel of which was adorned with bells, and before every apartment cried aloud the name of Hamilcar amid eulogies and benedictions. Along the walls of the circular gallery, from which the passages branched off, were piled little beams of algummim, bags of Lawsonia, cakes of Lemnos-earth, and tortoise carapaces filled with pearls.

Other products of the island were wheat of excellent quality; the rich Cyprian wine which retains its strength and flavour for well nigh a century, the henna dye obtained from the plant called copher or cyprus, the Lawsonia alba of modern botany; valuable pigments of various kinds, red, yellow, green, and amber; hemp and flax; tar, boxwood, and all the materials requisite for shipbuilding from the heavy timbers needed for the keel to the lightest spar and the flimsiest sail.

There is also the term ‮عرق‬, "decayed flesh or bone." ‮يونس‬, Ἰωνας. Esaias is changed in the same way. ‮الضب‬, Thob monitor: probably, monitor pulchra. ‮كحل‬, Kohel, "powder of lead," name derived from the epithet "black." ‮حنّا‬, Henna, "Lawsonia alba," Law. It is the Ovis Tragelaphus of Zoologists. I was fellow-passenger from Mogador with the male oudad, now at the Royal Zoological Gardens.