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Tired at last of idleness and lounging on the Common, I engaged in two or three little ventures of a semi-professional character, such as an exhibition of laughing-gas, advertising to cure cancer, "Send twenty-five stamps by mail to J. B., and receive an infallible receipt," etc.

"I have explained it also to our friends here. You're not afraid are you?" "It won't be painful, George?" "No more than laughing-gas at the dentist's. Every time you have had it you have practically died." "But that is a pleasant sensation." "So may death be. The worn-out bodily machine can't record its impression, but we know the mental pleasure which lies in a dream or a trance.

The way that Nessy is carrying on with your father is something shocking. I do believe she'll marry the man some day." To escape from a painful topic I asked after my father's health. "Worse and worse, but Conrad's news was like laughing-gas to the man. He would have come with me to-day, but the doctor wouldn't hear of it.

Dyckman's mother-in-law, was like breathing in deeply of laughing-gas; a skilful dentist could have extracted a molar from her without attracting her attention. And in the vapor of that stupendous temptation the devil actually did extract from her her entire moral code without her noticing the difference.

Usually the House Surgeon was easily convinced to the Margaret MacLean side of any argument; but this time, for reasons of his own, he turned an unsympathetic and stubborn ear. He was coming to believe very strongly that all this fanciful optimism was so much laughing-gas, with only a passing power, and when the effect wore off there would be the Dickens to pay.

The dilated part of the semicircular canals of the internal ear. The process by means of which simpler elements are built up into more complex. Those medicinal agents which prevent the feeling of pain, such as chloroform, ether, laughing-gas, etc. The intercommunication of vessels. The science which describes the structure of living things. The word literally means dissection.

A young lady who was obliged to take laughing-gas a few days after his lecture on Toussaint L'Ouverture repeated passages from it with appropriate gestures, in the dentist's chair, and finally concluded, not with the name of the negro statesman, but of the Concord high-school teacher.

'She has found her congenial element, you see, said her father, as the elders proceeded upstairs to their toilette. 'Tis laughing-gas with her to be with other children, and the most laughingest of all are naturally yours, old Lily.

We make a quotation from the book that suits the critic exactly. 'It is splendid; it is a dream, more vivid than life itself; it is like drinking champagne, smelling tuberoses, inhaling laughing-gas, going to the opera, all at one time. We recommend this to our young lady friends as a most thoughtfully and delightfully written novel."

He was educated partly at Truro, and early evinced that taste for poetry and angling that never left him. After serving with a Penzance surgeon, he went to Dr. Beddoes at Clifton, where he met Coleridge and Southey, and discovered the curious effects of "laughing-gas."