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Persephone waits, too, in the faith of the sun she cannot see: and every lamp lit carries on the crusade which has for its goal a sunless, moonless, city whose light is the Light of the world. "Lume e lassu, che visibile face lo creatore a quella creatura, che solo in lui vedere ha la sua pace."

Dante desires to know how it can be that a distributed good should make the receivers the richer the more of them there are; and Virgil answers Perocche tu rificchi La mente pure alle cose terrene, Di vera luce tenebre dispicchi. Quello 'nfinito ed ineffabil bene, Che lassu e, cosi corre ad amore, Com' a lucido corpo raggio viene.

of Liszt's Hungarian rhapsodies, that were, perhaps, the greatest of all he achieved, where his unpremeditated frenzy revelled in purest folk-rhythm and tune. The natural division of the Hungarian dance, with the sad Lassu and the glad Friss, is here clear in order and recurrence. In full tragic majesty the noble theme enters, in panoply of woe.

Tanto si da, quanto trova d' ardore: Si che quantunque carita si stende, Cresce sovr' essa l' eterno valore. E quanta gente pin lassu s' intende, Piu v' e da bene amare, e pin vi s' ama, E come specchio, l' uno all' altro rende. Because thy mind doth stick To earthly things, and on them only brood, From the true light thou dost but darkness pick.