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But the sentiment which first received a clear and powerful expression in the works of Rousseau, soon declared itself in the arts and literature of other nations. Goethe, Wordsworth, and the earlier landscape-painters, proved that Germany and England were not far behind the French.

Of course I pass over your nonsense about gangs and landscape-painters. For me, that is a dream. Who was in the house last night?" "None but ourselves," replied the Doctor. "And this young gentleman?" asked Casimir, jerking a nod in the direction of Jean-Marie. "He too" the Doctor bowed. "Well; and, if it is a fair question, who is he?" pursued the brother-in-law.

They seemed thoroughly conversant with art; and as I listened to their criticisms, I learnt more in five minutes about the characteristics of a really true and good picture, and about the perfection to which our unrivalled English landscape-painters have attained, than I ever did from all the books and criticisms which I had read.

The more recent French school, comprising Delacroix, Meissonier, Gerome, Cabanel, Millet, Rosa Bonheur, an artist of masculine vigor, the famous painter of animal pictures, is distinguished for technical skill and finish, but also for a bold and peculiar method of treatment. Among the leading landscape-painters of this school, Corot, Daubigny, Rousseau, Diaz, are conspicuous.

Still more recent are Bastien-Lepage, Chavannes, Breton, Bouguereau, Dagnan-Bouveret, Lhermitte, Jean-Paul Laurens, and Dupre. About the year 1825 an American school of landscape-painters was founded by Thomas Cole, many of whose pictures were allegorical. Durand is one of those who excelled in landscape painting. MUSIC. In music, Germany in the nineteenth century held the palm.

Of course I pass over your nonsense about gangs and landscape-painters. For me, that is a dream. Who was in the house last night? 'None but ourselves, replied the Doctor. 'And this young gentleman? asked Casimir, jerking a nod in the direction of Jean-Marie. 'He too' the Doctor bowed. 'Well; and if it is a fair question, who is he? pursued the brother-in- law.

His earliest appearance on the rostrum was at Edinburgh, where he delivered four lectures before the Philosophical Institution, chiefly on landscape-painters and on Christian art, with a plea for the use of Gothic in domestic architecture.

"It is beautiful, it is grand," said Balzac to a friend, speaking of "The Pathfinder." "Its interest is tremendous. He surely owed us this masterpiece after the last two or three rhapsodies he has been giving us. You must read it. I know no one in the world, save Walter Scott, who has risen to that grandeur and serenity of colors." This is the school of study for literary landscape-painters."

Nothing is wanted there." She finished taking off her gloves and took up a newspaper which had just come by post; a moment later, she said quietly, apparently controlling herself: "Last week Anna died in childbirth, and if a medical man had been available she would have lived. However, I suppose landscape-painters are entitled to their opinions."

Their entrance into Gretz was heralded and accompanied by a most furious barking; all the dogs in the village seemed to smell the treasure in the noddy. But there was no one in the street, save three lounging landscape-painters at Tentaillon's door.