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M. Thierry attributes to him, as his worse self, 'les instincts les plus violents; la cruaute, l'astuce, l'egoisme impitoyable. The two first counts are undeniable at least during his youth: they were the common vices of the age. The two latter I must hold as not proven by facts: but were they proven, they would still be excusable, on the simple ground of his Greek education.

C'est Madame Catherine Reeb, personne d'un age mur, dont le mari avait ete instituteur, mais qui d'une nature mecontente et orgueilleuse, se croyait au-dessus de sa sphere, et faisait sentir a sa pauvre femme, qui l'aimait d'un devouement admirable, toutes les tortures que l'egoisme peut inventer.

Bolingbroke's pencil-case was in it, and the following passage was marked: "Il y a un lieu sur la terre ou les joies pures sont inconnues; d'ou la politesse est exilee et fait place a l'egoisme, a la contradiction, aux injures a demivoilees; le remords et l'inquietude, furies infatigables, y tourmentent les habitans. Ce lieu est la maison de deux epoux qui ne peuvent ni s'estimer, ni s'aimer.

The day after we visited the Louvre it was closed, and none have been admitted since. I believe they are scratching out some N's or Eagles. I should conceive these to be the last of their species, for the activity and extent of this effacement of emblems related to Napoleon is past all belief. In a picture of Boulogne in the Luxembourg, amongst the figures in the foreground was a little Buonaparte, about two inches high, reviewing some troops. They have actually changed his features and figure, and, if I recollect rightly, altered his cockade and Uniform.... In the Musée des Arts and Métiers are some models of ships; even these were obliged to strike their Lilliputian tri-colours and hoist the white Ensign. And now Paris, fare thee well.... Thou art a mixture of strange ingredients. "Oh," said the Hairdresser who was cutting Kitty's hair yesterday, "had we your National spirit we should be a great people, mais c'est l'Égoisme qui regne