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A peu de distance est une montagne l'on montre une maison qu'on dit avoir été celle de Caïn; et, pendant la première journée, nous n'eumes que des montagnes, quoique le chemin soit bon; mais

You see, this Duchess de la Ferte is showing off to a sister-duchess a poor girl of genius, like a puppet or an ape. "'Allons, mademoiselle, parlez Madame, vous allez voir comme elle parle Elle vit que j'hesitois a repondre, et pensa qu'il falloit m'aider comme une chanteuse a qui l'on indique ce qu'on desire d'entendre Parlez un peu de religion, mademoiselle, vous direz ensuite autre chose.

So he would do well to avoid shops inscribed with the motto, "Ici l'on peut ecrire soi-meme." He is acute enough to deceive an entire congress of diplomatists. In a couple of words, he is a moral half-caste, not quite a fraud, nor entirely genuine. But, hush! he has succeeded already; nobody asks anything further, and every one calls him an illustrious man.

Ten guineas per night five hundred for the season is the price exacted for a first-rate opera-box; and as the exclusives usually arrive at the close of the opera, or, if earlier, keep up a perpetual babble during its performance, they clearly come for the dancing. "On voit l'opéra, et l'on écoute le ballet," used to be said of the Académie de Musique.

If ye do this, both I and my sons shall have met with just treatment at your hands. But it is now time to depart for me to die, for you to live. But which of us is going to a better state is unknown to every one but God. Aristophanes. "Iliad," lib. xviii. ver. 94, etc. See the "Crito," sec. 5. ouden legei, literally, "he says nothing:" on se trompe, ou l'on vous impose, Cousin.

Ah! why is it, that the noblest of our passions should be also the most selfish? that while we would make all earthly sacrifice for the one we love, we are perpetually demanding a sacrifice in return; that if we cannot have the rapture of blessing, we find a consolation in the power to afflict; and that we acknowledge, while we reprobate, the maxim of the sage: "L'on veut faire tout le bonheur, ou, si cela ne se peut ainsi, tout le malheur de ce qu'on aime."

Mamma," she cried, as the Marchesa entered the room, "I am going to sing to my betrothed. Is it not touching?" "It is very good of you," said San Miniato. The Marchesa smiled and sank into a chair. Beatrice struck a few chords and then, looking at the Count with half closed eyes, began to sing the pathetic little song of Chiquita. "On dit que l'on te marie Tu sais que j'en vais mourir "

Scarron, one of Ninon's closest friends, in his Epistle to Sarrazin, thus alludes to this conventual escapade: "Puis j'aurais su * Ce que l'on dit du bel et saint exemple Que la Ninon donne

"Une belle femme qui a les qualités d'un honnête homme est-ce qu'il y a au monde d'un commerce plus delicieux; l'on trouve en elle tout le mérite des deux sexes." "In the heart of the best woman," says a German writer, "there glows a shovelful, at least, of infernal embers; in that of the worst, there is a little corner of Paradise."

"Quel est l'objet que l'on recherche le plus quand on s'en dégoûte?" A mysterious inquiry, and all sorts of horrible but needful abominations occur to the mind in answer. But the answer is not so bad after all.