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From Kothan to Lan Teheou the trains will have two thousand kilometres to traverse through the desert, and the safety of the line is not as great as it might be across the Gobi." "All the more so, major, as the redoubtable Ki-Tsang has been reported in the northern provinces." "Quite so, and a haul of fifteen millions is worth having by a bandit chief."

They are very pretty, these Asiatics, with their long tresses, their transversely striped bodices, their skirts of bright colors, relieved by Chinese designs in Kothan silk, their high-heeled embroidered boots, their turbans of coquettish pattern, beneath which appear their black hair and their eyebrows united by a bar.

In fact, an English embassy under Chapman and Gordon in 1873 and 1874 had been sent from Kashmir to Kachgar by way of Kothan and Yarkand. At this time the English had reason to hope that commercial relations could be established to their advantage.

Thence from the Pamir tableland extends the mighty range of the Himalaya, where rise the highest summits on the face of the globe. Since we left Kothan we have covered a hundred and fifty kilometres in four hours. It is not a high rate of speed, but we cannot expect on this part of the Transasiatic the same rate of traveling we experienced on the Transcaspian.

At eleven o'clock the train left Kothan station, and it was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon when it reached Keria, having left behind the small stations of Urang, Langar, Pola and Tschiria. In 1889-90 this road was followed by Pevtsoff from Kothan to Lob-Nor at the foot of the Kuen Lun, which divides Chinese Turkestan from Tibet.

A few Chinese passengers alighted at Yarkand, and gave place to others exactly like them among others a score of coolies and we started again at eight o'clock in the evening. During the night we ran the three hundred and fifty kilometres which separate Yarkand from Kothan. A visit I paid to the front van showed me that the box was still in the same place.