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If I do not ascend the Kopaunik now, I can never do so again." Plethora then went away to get the director to lend his advice on the same side; and after much whispering he came back, and announced that my horse was unshod, and could not ascend the rocks. The director was amused with the clumsy bustle of this fellow to save himself a little exercise.

I myself thought, that if an artist wished for a landscape as the scene of Satan taking up our Saviour into a high mountain, he could find none more appropriate than this. The Kopaunik is not lofty; not much above six thousand English feet above the level of the sea.

Involuntary Bigamy. Conversation on the Servian character. Krushevatz. Relics of the Servian monarchy. A middle-aged, showily dressed man, presented himself as the captain who was to conduct me to the top of the Kopaunik.

Ushitza, instead of appearing a town, looked like a straggling assemblage of cottages and gardens. The best view is that below the bridge, looking to the castle. Poshega. The river Morava. Arrival at Csatsak. A Viennese Doctor. Project to ascend the Kopaunik. Visit the Bishop. Ancient Cathedral Church. Greek Mass. Karanovatz. Emigrant Priest. Albania Disorders. Salt Mines.

Our brethren on the other side may derive a glimmering hope of liberation from the circumstance." Author. "My government is at present on the best terms with the Porte: the readiness with which such hopes arise in the minds of the people, is my motive for avoiding political conversations with Rayahs on those dangerous topics." Ascent of the Kopaunik. Grand Prospect. Descent of the Kopaunik. Bruss.

When Baron Herder made his exploration of the stones and mountains of Servia, he discovered salt in abundance somewhere near the Kopaunik; but Milosh, who at that time had the monopoly of the importation of Wallachian salt in his own hands, begged him to keep the place secret, for fear his own profits would suffer a diminution.

The threat of a complaint to the Bey only provoked fresh insolence; and, warned by a Christian bystander that the whole town would soon be in commotion, they prudently beat a retreat, and reached the Servian frontier in safety. "The Kopaunik is not much above 6000 English feet above the level of the sea.

"You have gone out of your way to see Sokol," said he; "you may as well extend your tour to Novibazaar, and the Kopaunik. You are fond of maps: go to the peak of the Kopaunik, and you will see all Servia rolled out before you from Bosnia to Bulgaria, and from the Balkan to the Danube; not a map, or a copy, but the original." "The temptation is irresistible.

No carriage but his was allowed to appear in the streets of Belgrade; and, while all political rights were withheld from the people, he amassed immense wealth by arbitrary confiscations, by levying heavy taxes and import duties, and by establishing oppressive monopolies of articles of necessary consumption, particularly salt, veins of which, discovered by Baron Herder near the Kopaunik mountain, he forbade to be worked under severe penalties, in order to keep in his own hands the importation from Walachia.