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But I think again, This is no reason why I should do as they do, or permit others to suffer much greater pain of a different kind.

If we turn now from the East to the West we shall find that the expansion in this direction was of an entirely different kind. The country lying to the westward of the early Russo-Slavonian settlements had a poor soil and a comparatively dense population, and consequently held out little inducement to emigration.

Miss E. 'In what way? Mr. G. 'Well, you see, Miss Everard, questions present themselves to our hearers in towns which do not naturally occur to the rustic mind questions with which, if I may say so, I am perhaps fitted to deal. The rustic mind needs nothing more than a simple presentation of the Gospel. Miss E. 'What kind of questions? Mr. G. 'You must be aware that our friend Mrs.

She must go away from him, away from Sir Christopher, and Lady Cheverel, and Maynard, and everybody who had been kind to her, and thought her good while she was so wicked. Some of Mrs.

If school friends talk much school gossip, they must weaken their minds and feel at a loss when out of their school set. It is very "provincial" to have no conversation except the small gossip which would bore a stranger, and yet I fear many friends confine themselves to a kind of talk which unfits them for general society.

I was struck by their beauty, and extremely surprised to hear myself greeted by one of them, who said, "It is M. the Chevalier de Seingalt." "Himself, mademoiselle, and sorely grieved at your misfortune." "Be kind enough to come in again for a moment." "I am sorry to say that I have an important engagement." "I will not keep you for longer than a quarter of an hour."

She confessed she was not well. Sometimes, when they had both sat for some minutes in silence, she would raise her eyes and meet his gaze steadily, seeming to search for something. Waymark could not face this look; it drove him to break the suspense by any kind of remark on an indifferent subject.

Delaford, so graciously, that Charlotte presumed to say, 'Oh, sir! is it true that you can play the guitar? He smiled upon her tone of veneration, and replied, 'a trifle a little instrumental melody was a great resource. If his poor performance would afford her any gratification, he would fetch his guitar. 'Oh, sir thank you a psalm-tune, perhaps. It is Sunday if you would be so kind.

Binney complimented the nobility, and Lord Shaftesbury complimented the people, and all were but too kind in what they said to me in fact, there was general good humor in the whole scene. The inkstand is a beautiful specimen of silverwork. It is eighteen inches long, with a group of silver figures on it, representing Religion with the Bible in her hand, giving liberty to the slave.

He was a civic-bred man, with an intense love of law and order; the kind of man who is the first to take that law and order into his own hands when he does not find it existing to please him. He had a Bostonian's respect for respectability, tradition, and propriety, but was willing to face irregularity and impropriety to create order elsewhere.