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I am sure the Emir will manage it all, especially with the aid and counsel of that beauteous Lady of Bethany, in whose wisdom and goodness I have implicit faith. 'I have more faith in her than in the Emir, said Baroni. 'I never know what these Shehaabs are after. Now, he has not gone to El Khuds this morning; of that I am sure.

And have a care in going down the khuds it is that mercy should be shown us, thy friends." And again to a young male, whose movements were very self-conscious: "Remember there is to be no tamasha to-night, thou son of destiny. It is not yet in thy head to determine when shall be tamasha.

'Who says "dare" to the representative of a European Power! 'I say "dare" to the son of the janissary of the Austrian Vice-Consul at Sidon. 'You will hear more of this, said Pasqualigo, fiercely. 'I shall make a representation to the Inter-nonce at Stamboul. 'You had better go there yourself, as you are tired of El Khuds.

It leaves Simla of the Imperial councils by a stately road; it passes beyond, but now narrowing, climbing higher beside the khuds or steep drops to the precipitous valleys beneath, and the rumor of Simla grows distant and the way is quiet, for, owing to the danger of driving horses above the khuds, such baggage as you own must be carried by coolies, and you yourself must either ride on horseback or in the little horseless carriage of the Orient, here drawn and pushed by four men.

Got away at sunrise, the rain having quite cleared off, and marched on to Doonga Gullee, up a hill to an elevation of 9,000 feet, and then down again to about 7,000; then up a final steep to Doonga Gullee, 8,000 feet above the sea. The Khuds much grander very deep and precipitous, sometimes falling one or two thousand feet from the edge of the road almost perpendicularly.

'I shall not return to El Khuds, said Eva. 'The great Sheikh will convoy me to Damascus, where I shall remain till I go to Aleppo. 'May you never reach Aleppo! said Fakredeen, with a clouded countenance, for Eva in fact alluded to her approaching marriage with her cousin.

The great Sheikh took his pipe from his mouth, and then slowly sent forth its smoke through his nostrils, a feat of which he was proud. Then he placidly replied: 'For the same reason that the man named Baroni made a visit to El Khuds. 'The man named Baroni came to demand succour for his lord, who is your prisoner. 'And also to obtain two millions of piastres, added Amalek.

'See, the day after to-morrow I have appointed to meet a friend of mine at Gaza, who has a caravan that wants convoy through the desert to the mountain. The Sheikh of Sheikhs shall have it. It will be as good as ten thousand piastres. That will be honey in his mouth. He will forget the past, and our English friend can return with you and me to El Khuds.

I am not tired, though my left heel is blistered, which is fair considering I have not walked half a mile for more than a month. The road is excellent and the scenery fine, the Khuds being sometimes deep, but nothing like the eastern Himalayas. The forest too is quite different, fir trees predominating here. Saw many beautiful birds, and regretted I had not brought my gun.

Name then at once, my daughter, the piastres that you will give; for the prince, the brother of queens, may to-morrow be dust. 'How so? eagerly inquired Eva. 'He is a Mejnoun, replied Amalek. 'After the man named Baroni departed for El Khuds, the Prince of Franguestan would not rest until he visited Gibel Mousa, and I said "Yes" to all his wishes.