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Then, again, the scene changed to Bellamont Castle, but it would seem that Fakredeen was its lord; and when Tancred rushed forward to embrace his mother, she assumed the form of the Syrian goddess, and yet the face was the face of Eva. Though disturbed, he slept, and when he woke, he was for a moment quite unconscious of being at Jerusalem.

He hung on the accents of Astarte, but he remarked that the Queen hung upon the accents of Tancred, who, engrossed with great ideas, and full of a great purpose, was unconscious of what did not escape the lynx-like glance of his companion. However, Fakredeen was not, under any circumstances, easily disheartened; in the present case, there were many circumstances to encourage him.

'A woman! exclaimed Tancred and Fakredeen. 'They say as much, said Sheikh Hamood; 'perhaps it is only a coffee-house tale. 'I never heard it before, said Fakredeen. 'In the time of my uncle, Elderidis was Sheikh. I have heard indeed that the Ansarey worship a woman. 'Then they would be Christians, said Sheikh Hamood, 'and I never heard that. The Laurellas

'Oh, give him sleep, Eva, said Fakredeen, wringing his hands; 'you can do anything. 'I suppose, said Baroni, 'it is hopeless to think of finding any opium here. 'Utterly, said Eva; 'its practice is quite unknown among them. 'Send for some from El Khuds, said Fakredeen. 'Idle! said Baroni; 'this is an affair of hours, not of days.

Astarte had signified to Tancred her wish that he should approach her, while Keferinis at some distance was engaged in earnest conversation with Fakredeen, with whom he had not had previously the opportunity of being alone. His report of all that had transpired in his absence was highly favourable.

At this moment Fakredeen proposed to himself two objects: the first was, to bring together the principal chiefs of the mountain, both Maronite and Druse, and virtually to carry into effect at Ca-nobia that reconciliation between the two races which had been formally effected at Beiroot, in the preceding month of June, by the diplomatic interference of the Great Powers, and through the signature of certain articles of peace to which we have alluded.

'You are a prince of the English, said the Queen to Tancred. 'I am an Englishman, he replied, 'and a subject of our Queen, for we also have the good fortune to be ruled over by the young and the fair. 'My fathers and the House of Shehaab have been ever friends, she continued, turning to Fakredeen. 'May they ever continue so! he replied.

Fakredeen was fond of his debts; they were the source indeed of his only real excitement, and he was grateful to them for their stirring powers. The usurers of Syria are as adroit and callous as those of all other countries, and possess no doubt all those repulsive qualities which are the consequence of an habitual control over every generous emotion.

'Ah, Fakredeen! said the lady, 'and when did you leave the Mountain? 'I arrived at Jerusalem yesterday by sunset; never did I want to see you so much. The foreign consuls have stopped my civil war, which cost me a hundred thousand piastres. We went down to Beiroot and signed articles of peace; I thought it best to attend to escape suspicion.

While Fakredeen plundered her without scruple and used her without remorse, he doted on her; he held her intellect in absolute reverence; a word from her guided him; a look of displeasure, and his heart ached. As long as he was under the influence of her presence, he really had no will, scarcely an idea of his own. He spoke only to elicit her feelings and opinions.