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And the fantastic-looking young officer got up and shook himself, and worried the bits of charred wood out of his long yellow moustaches. "Die Welt kann dir nichts darbieten, was sie von dir nicht empfinge." SCHILLER, Der Menschenfeind.

Wen da der Dichter hineingesperrt Den kann kein Gott mehr retten. And from the "singing flames" of Rodin there is no rescue. But he is not all tragedy and hell fire. Of singular delicacy, of exquisite proportions are his marbles of youth, of springtide, and the desire of life. In 1900, at his special exhibition, Paris, Europe, and America awoke to these haunting visions.

I asked her, and she replied in German, "ich kann es lesen; ich bin ja in Lothringen geboren; ich habe deutsche B cher, sehn Sie hier!" and she showed me Grillparzer's "Sappho," and then immediately continued the conversation in French.

The Christian writer Firmicius Maternus, at one time himself an initiate, has left an account of the ceremony, without, however, specifying whether the deity in question was Attis or Adonis as Dieterich remarks "Was er erzahlt kann sich auf Attis-gemeinden, und auf Adonis-gemeinden beziehen."

Sometimes he was half the night arguing with himself about the various prices and qualities of this useful article, but I did not understand enough of his blat deutsch to gather the drift of the argument. Mein Gott! Ich kann nicht schlafen!" Here he would jump up and shout "Kellner! Kellner! ein flask bier! sechs und zechzig zweimal acht und vierzig! Kellner, flask bier! Liebe Gott was ist das?

"Nur ein Wunder kann dich tragen In das schoene Wunderland." SCHILLER, Sehnsucht. This simile is nobly conceived, but expressed somewhat obscurely.

It would seem like a bas-relief cut out of marble were it not for its wonderful colouring. It is in the Rudolf Kann Collection, Paris. This artist's other pictures are "Adoration of the Shepherds," "Adoration of the Magi," "Madonna and Child with Saints," "Three Saints and God the Father," "Coronation of the Virgin," and "Portrait of Old Man and Boy."

You have taste, and an understanding of things! ... Besides that, you will always be able to entertain, and to stir up the most exacting, the most unyielding guests. In English, a "toff"; in American, a "swell." trans. "Die Deutsche Sprache beherrsche ich in geringerem Grade als die franzosische; indes kann ich stets in einer Salon-Plauderei mitmachen."

The little Swiss was standing between his packages with his back to the wall, searching for me with anxious eyes, and when I gave him the bad news tears trickled down his face. "Was kann ich thun? Mein armes Weib hat Angst fur mich."

It doth fit the thronéd monarch closer than his crown. To the patient it is a satisfying diagnosis and satisfactory explanation in one; to the doctor, a great saving of brain-fag. When we call a disease rheumatism, we know what to give for it even if we don't know what it is. As the old German distich runs, Was man kann nicht erkennen, Muss er Rheumatismus nennen.