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Maubreuil had brought a basketful of white brassards and cockades, and the gallant horsemen began to ride about and press them upon the unresponsive crowd. Alain held one of the badges at arm's length as he pushed into the little group about me, and our eyes met. "Merci," said I, "retenez-le jusqu'

«Avant de pénétrer dans le Vallais, il convient d'en donner une idée générale: il forme cette partie des Alpes connue sous le nom d'Alpes Pennines; il contient non-seulement les plus hautes montagnes des Alpes, mais encore la plus longue vallée qui il y ait en Europe, puis qu'elle a trente-quatre lieues depuis Saint-Maurice jusqu'


It was said that, in presence of several witnesses, they had undertaken to cast out devils; and they had been apprehended on an accusation of this nature. II., jusqu' a l'annee 1621." This is a contemporary manuscript belonging to the Gerard collection in the Royal Library at the Hague. Its author was a citizen of Valenciennes, and a personal witness of most of the events which he describes.

It was said that, in presence of several witnesses, they had undertaken to cast out devils; and they had been apprehended on an accusation of this nature. II., jusqu' a l'annee 1621." This is a contemporary manuscript belonging to the Gerard collection in the Royal Library at the Hague. Its author was a citizen of Valenciennes, and a personal witness of most of the events which he describes.

"Eh! Messieurs," said a well-dressed bourgeoise, who saw us sauntering about near the door of her shop, "vous irez sans doute voir notre beau château: il fut donné par Jean de Poitiers au premier Seigneur de St. Vallier, et il a descendu jusqu'

«Le torrent qui porte le nom de Gave de Pau parcourt depuis sa source près des limites de l'Espagne, jusqu'

Le Bureau Wolff n'a pas publié le texte de la note responsive serbe qui lui avait été communiqué. Jusqu'

[Footnote 371: Of about twelve hundred who came with Montcalm, nearly three hundred were now in hospital. The four battalions that came with Dieskau are reported at the end of May to have sixteen hundred and fifty-three effective men. État de la Situation actuelle des Bataillons, appended to Montcalm's despatch of 12 June. Another document, Dêtail de ce qui s'est passé en Canada, Juin, 1755, jusqu'

Les François établis en cette ville avoient joui jusqu'