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This he often said to himself; and he said as often that Lady Lufton certainly had a hankering after such a judgement-seat. Of whom generally did prime ministers and official bigwigs think it expedient to make bishops and deans?

Who can bear the dreadful thought of being confronted with the spirit of one whom we have murdered, in the presence of all the Host of Heaven, and to have justice demanded against our guilty soul, before that most awful judgement-seat, where there is infinite justice as well as infinite power?"

He acknowledged it plainly; 'with me, he confessed, 'every question assumes a Divine standpoint and is not adequately answered if the judgement-seat of Christ is not kept in sight. This was maintained whether the subject under discussion was poetry, or society, or the Prussian war with Austria, or the stamen of a wild flower.

His debt was by this arrangement remitted to him and the little girl disposed of in a manner worthy of the judgement-seat of Solomon. She was divided in two and the portions tossed impartially to the disputants. They would take her, in rotation, for six months at a time; she would spend half the year with each.

"As if I had anything to forgive. . . . You'll never speak to me again, if I tell you. And if I don't tell you . . . If I don't tell you, I could never look you in the eyes." Barbara stared at the fire, and for a moment it seemed as though she were again making confession at the judgement-seat of God. "I met Jack two years ago," she began hurriedly.

What! you doubt that there are punishments and rewards to come? You doubt of that judgement-seat before which every soul is arraigned? Cyn. I have heard mention of a judge in that connexion; one Minos, a Cretan. Ah, yes, tell me about him: they say he is your son? Zeus. And what of him? Cyn. Whom does he punish in particular? Zeus. Whom but the wicked? Murderers, for instance, and temple-robbers.

He had sat for an eternity before she came to the judgement-seat; He would wait for an eternity and condemn her for an eternity. . . . "Vanity. . . . I suppose that's what you want me to say." She wondered whether her voice would carry through Space; she was no bigger than God's right hand . . . alone . . . and naked. "I've always been spoiled, and that makes any one vain. Some allowance . . ."

The king's aim was probably little more than a purpose to enforce order on the land by bringing the great nobles before his own judgement-seat; but the establishment of the court as a regular and no longer an exceptional tribunal, whose traditional powers were confirmed by Parliamentary statute, and where the absence of a jury cancelled the prisoner's right to be tried by his peers, furnished his son with an instrument of tyranny which laid justice at the feet of the monarchy.

But you perhaps think yourself sane because you are not confined within doors, but follow the promptings of your madness whithersoever it lead you: and yet compare your frenzy with that of Thallus; you will find that there is but little to choose between you, save that Thallus confines his frenzy to himself, while you direct yours against others; Thallus distorts his eyes, you distort the truth; Thallus contracts his hands convulsively, you not less convulsively contract with your advocates; Thallus dashes himself against the pavement, you dash yourself against the judgement-seat.

"Too long I have been a servant in the house of this stranger, this greedy Charity; too long have I sat a silly proxy for the Too-Fortunate in this narrow stiff-backed judgement-seat from ten till three daily. There is Love and April outside the window, there is too much wind and laughter outside to allow of the forming of Habits.