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"Ah, mammazellchen c'est pas mal, ne soyez triste, mein Gott mammazellchen es ist aber nichts!" chided Emma consolingly from her place near the window. "Oh! je ne veux pas, je ne veux pas," sobbed Mademoiselle. No one spoke; Mademoiselle lay snuffling and shuddering. Solomon's scissors fell on to the floor. "Mais pourquoi pas, Mademoiselle?" she interrogated as she recovered them.

Je suis, avec respect, Monsieur le Marquis, de Votre Excellence le très humble et très obéissant serviteur, À son Excellence LORD COCHRANE, Marquis de Maragnon, Premier Amiral du Brésil, &c. &c.

Since I do not speak much French, I could only say to the man nearest me, a sinister fellow in a blue smock with a brown stockingcap on his head, "C'est un disgrace, ça; je demandez le pourquoi." He looked at me for a baffled moment before calling, "Jean, Jean!" Jean was even more illfavored, having a scar across his mouth which gave him an artificial harelip. However, he spoke English of a kind.

When he saw her in her short frock come out of the door, saw her quick movements, and her lively signals to him with parasol or hat or flowers, the quay, the ships, the bales, the barrels, the air, the noise, the crowd, all seemed to play and sing, "Enfant! si j'etais roi je donerais l'empire, Et mon char, et mon septre, et mon peuple a genoux," and he ran to meet her.

The professor beckoned me to be quiet. "Kaffar is at Torino, is he?" said the professor. "That's it yes." "What is he doing?" "Talkin' with a man who keeps an hotel." "What does he say?" "It's in a foreign language, and I can't tell." "Can you repeat what he said?" "It sounded like this 'Je restey ici pour kelka jour; but I can't make out what it means." The professor turned to me.

Je serai heureux d'en retrouver l'occasion; car, plus les evenements rendent ma situation grave et difficile, plus ils grandissent ma responsabilite, plus naturellement je tiens a recueillir les avis d'un observateur eclaire, impartial et bienveillant pour la France.

Je veux causer avec vous en particulier." Sophia complied with the request: the maids, with the simple familiarity of the Russian serf, taking their dismissal reluctantly. But Madame Dravikine held them all in awe, and before her they did not dare the protest that their Princess might have listened to.

James Jackson, taught me never to use that expression. Curo means, I take care of, he used to say, and in that sense, if you mean nothing more, it is properly employed. So, in the amphitheatre of the Ecole de Medecine, I used to read the words of Ambroise Pare, "Je le pansay, Dieu le guarist."

He looked up at Wethermill's face and then said quietly: "You have given us no opinion, monsieur. Yet your opinion should be the most valuable of all. Were these two papers written by the same hand?" "I do not know," answered Wethermill. "And I, too," cried Hanaud, in a sudden exasperation, "je ne sais pas. I do not know. It may be her hand carelessly counterfeited. It may be her hand disguised.

Je logeai chez un marchand Vénitien nommé Paul Barberico; et comme je n'avois nullement renoncé