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When he saw her in her short frock come out of the door, saw her quick movements, and her lively signals to him with parasol or hat or flowers, the quay, the ships, the bales, the barrels, the air, the noise, the crowd, all seemed to play and sing, "Enfant! si j'etais roi je donerais l'empire, Et mon char, et mon septre, et mon peuple a genoux," and he ran to meet her.

At the order "restez armes," the iron shod butts of the muskets dropped together on the stone floor, reminding those present of the stern realities of war and the sweet consolations of religion. At the elevation of the sacred host, came the orders "Portez armes," "Presenter armes," "a genoux."

Michel," he inquired, "do you know how to pray?" "Sacred thousand swine, no!" cried the ancient gnome, in something between astonishment and horror. "No, Monsieur. 'Pas mon métier, ça!" He shook his head rapidly from side to side like one of those toys in a shop-window whose heads oscillate upon a pivot. But all at once a gleam of inspiration sparkled in his lone eye. "There is the old Justine!" he suggested. "Toujours sur les genoux, cette imbécile l

A mon tour, aujourd'hui, bienheureuse Marie, Je tombe a vos genoux; Daignez donc m'ecouter, car c'est vous que je prie, Vous qui priez pour nous. Which may be thus interpreted: O Virgin blest! by whom the bitter draught So often has been quaffed, That, for thy sorrow, thou art named by us The Mother Dolorous!

"Puis je te decrirai ce tableau de Rembrandt Que me fait tant plaisir: et mon chat Childebrand, Sur mes genoux pose selon son habitude, Levant sur moi la tete avec inquietude, Suivra les mouvements de mon doigt qui dans l'air Esquisse mon recit pour le rendre plus clair.

'I hear that Madame de Sagan sent you a very neat congratulation. "A genoux sur la terre Nous rendons grâces

She seems to live in the abomination of desolation, as far as regards society crowds of ill-bred men who adore her, 'a genoux bas', betwixt a puff of smoke and an ejection of saliva society of the ragged red, diluted with the low theatrical. She herself so different, so apart, so alone in her melancholy disdain. I was deeply interested in that poor woman. I felt a profound compassion for her.

"Mon petit garcon est tres gravement malade, et je supplie Dieu a genoux de ne pas me punir si severement, de ne pas me prendre mon enfant. "D'apres le dernier bulletin du Professeur Knieberger, il a la fievre scarlatine, et l'issue de la maladie est incertaine. Je ne quitte plus son chevet. Et sans cesse je me dis, 'C'est une punition du Ciel."

As long as there is breath in my body I will hold you down! Not a murderess, you say ?" "No," said Ulrika very calmly, with a keen look, "I am not but you are!" "Il n'y a personne qui ait eu autant a souffrir a votre sujet que moi depuis ma naissance! aussi je vous supplie a deux genoux et au nom de Dien, d'avoir pitie de moi!" Old Breton Ballad.

When Karl Ivanitch ordered us to kneel in the corner with our faces to the wall, the punishment consisted merely in the bodily discomfort of the position, whereas St. Jerome, in such cases, always assumed a haughty air, made a grandiose gesture with his hand, and exclaiming in a pseudo-tragic tone, "A genoux, mauvais sujet!" ordered us to kneel with our faces towards him, and to crave his pardon.