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'C'est bien le souverain le plus fin que j'ai connu en Europe, said Thiers of Victor Emmanuel, whose acquaintance he made in 1870, and in whom he found an able politician instead of the common soldier he had expected. The remark might be extended back to all the race. They understood the business of kings.

"M. Lang m'a fait 1'honneur de me citer," he writes, "comme un de ses allies, et j'ai lieu de croire que M. Gaidoz en fait en quelque mesure autant. Ces messieurs n'ont point entierement tort.

J'ai parlé du courier qu'avoit envoyé le Soudan pour faire arrêter les marchands Génois et Catalans qui se trouvoient dans ses Etats. En venu de cet ordre, on prit mon hôte, qui étoit Génois; ses effets furent saisis, et l'on plaça chez lui un Maure pour les garder. Moi, je cherchai

As much as it made me suffer, I with my character, AVEC MA FIERTE J'AI ECRIS A MON PERE, begged him to send me something.

I would erect, at my own expense, a monument to Molière if Alceste would make my love take this form. I have never seen an inventory of the torments of love some of them have the most vulgar and some the most innocent names in the world. Some poet make his love-sick hero say: "Un jour, Dieu, par pitié, délivra les enfers Des tourments que pour vous, madame, j'ai soufferts!"

One day his nose was very dirty, upon which I took out my handkerchief and wiped it for him; this raised a loud laugh, and they called me a very, handy nurse; but the father and mother were so pleased with it, that to this day it is an anecdote in the family, and I never receive a letter from Comte Wassenaer, but he makes me the compliments 'du morveux gue j'ai mouche autrefois'; who, by the way, I am assured, is now the prettiest young fellow in Holland.

En résumé, j'ai l'honneur d'émettre l'avis de poser nettement aux Amiraux la question du débarquement

"'Voila done, j'ai raison! "'We say "inexpressibles"! "'Ah, c'est mieux! Dat do please me ver much better. Il y a du bon sens la dedans. C'est une autre chose! "In the midst of this curious dialogue, in came the Duke of Dorset, Lord Edward Dillon, Count Fersen, and several English gentlemen, who, as they were going to the King's hunt, were all dressed in new buckskin breeches.

Not a soul in Madame Beck's house, from the scullion to the directress herself, but was above being ashamed of a lie; they thought nothing of it: to invent might not be precisely a virtue, but it was the most venial of faults. "J'ai menti plusieurs fois," formed an item of every girl's and woman's monthly confession: the priest heard unshocked, and absolved unreluctant.

She hung her head over her plate, and strove to avoid attention by keeping as quiet as possible. "They speak too quick. It's rude to gabble!" she told herself resentfully. "And I know some French meself. `J'ai, tu as, il a, nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont. Listen at that, now!"