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Now you must understand that the world of thought in those days was in the strangest condition, it was choked with obsolete inadequate formulae, it was tortuous to a maze-like degree with secondary contrivances and adaptations, suppressions, conventions, and subterfuges. Base immediacies fouled the truth on every man's lips.

And moreover with that mysterious and subtle change of heart in me there came also a change in the quality and range of my ideas. I seemed to rise out of a tangle of immediacies and misconceptions, to see more largely and more freely than I had ever done before.

In the first place he must get away and think about it all, think himself clear of all these these immediacies, these associations and relations and holds and habits. He must get back to his vision, get back to the God in his vision. And to do that he must go alone. He was clear he must go alone. It was useless to go to Prothero, one weak man going to a weaker.

And continually his eyes went searching widely, looking for spaces, scanning hastily the clouds, the vistas of the streets, looking for something that did not hinder him, looking away for a moment from the immediacies and rigours which were impressed where his mind had been. When I spoke he looked at me, and I know that for some seconds he did not see me. I said: "What is the meaning of all this?

If he had told her naturally and simply on the evening of his return from London before anything material intervened everything would have been different, everything would have been simpler.... He groaned and rolled over in his bed. There came upon him the acutest remorse and misery. For he saw that amidst these petty immediacies he had lost touch with God. The last month became incredible.