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Juan de Castellanos, in his book "Varones Ilustres de Indias," printed in 1589, recites a Latin epitaph which he says appeared near the place where lay the body of Columbus in Seville, but pretty Latin epitaphs were Castellanos' weakness, and it is to be feared that this one, like others which he dedicated to American explorers, was nothing more than a figment of his poetic imagination.

It is much to be regretted that the three manuscript pamphlets by Fray Roque Figueredo, bearing the titles Relacion del Viage al Nuevo México, Libro de las Fundaciones del Nuevo Mexico, and Vidas de los Varones Ilustres, etc., appear to be lost. Their author was first in New Mexico while Oñate governed that province, and his writings were at the great convent of Mexico.

Gorostiza llevó a la política la actividad y fogosidad de su carácter y de sus verdes años; y el príncipe que había asombrado al mundo con los rasgos de su deslealtad filial en Aranjuez, de su humillación y bajeza en Valencey, y de su versatilidad, falsedad y crueldad en el trono, al recobrar el poder absoluto y enviar a los presidios de África a los más ilustres ministros y consejeros de su período constitucional, no podía haberse olvidado del fecundo y entusiasta orador liberal de la Fontana de Oro.

To those a bull is sold, which is called Bula de ilustres, which costs from eight to twelve shillings; and in order to leave the door open for the augmentation of those revenues, there is a clause which says that every person purchasing them is bound, as a matter of conscience, to contribute according to his ability.