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Messire Bénédict, qui desiroit avoir de lui une audience, fit demander aux bachas s'il pouvoit les-voir, et ils répondirent que non. La raison de ce refus etoit qu'ils avoient bu avec leur seigneur, et qu'ils etoient ivres ainsi que lui.

Comme le diable, ils se portent toujours bien." At the purity of accent with which this embittered remark was made, Mrs. Marshall-Smith opened her eyes, and paid more attention as the old professor went on. "The last of my unmarried nieces has shown herself a true Kennedy by providing herself with a dolichocephalic blond of a husband, like all the others.

The firing of course ceased, and the German colonel saluted and thanked the officer, and pinned a ribbon to his coat. He returned to the British lines, but died shortly after of the wounds received. "Ils sont superbes, ces braves!" said a French soldier in hospital to Mrs. Haden Guest, indicating the German wounded also there.

Let me tell you that your reputation among your countrymen at Paris depends solely upon their verdict." "And upon your favour," added I. "Ah!" said she, "you must have had your origin in France; you have something about you presque Parisien." "I will tell you," answered Madame D'Anville; "they are brave, honest, generous, mais ils sont demi-barbares."

He, too, was silent for a long time. "They say that French cleverness..." he babbled suddenly, as though in a fever... "that's false, it always has been. Why libel French cleverness? It's simply Russian indolence, our degrading impotence to produce ideas, our revolting parasitism in the rank of nations. Ils sont tout simplement des paresseux, and not French cleverness.

Ils sont reduits l'extremit," said he, concluding with broken French. "That cannot be; it's against the law to kill bulls in South Carolina," interrupted the jailer jocosely. "Must be. I swear he bull-neck, 'cas he cum every day just like him. Bull born wid one neck no cum so many. What I get for breakfast, Capitan, ah? piece bad bread. What I get for dinner, ah? bull-neck.

Maitre Guillot's face beamed like a harvest moon, as he chimed in with the well-known ditty in praise of the great pie of Rouen: "'C'est dans la ville de Rouen, Ils ont fait un pate si grand, Ils ont fait un pate si grand, Qu'ils ont trouve un homme dedans!"

From these soldiers we could extract no more particular character of the English troops, than "Ils se battent bien," But it is doing no more than justice to the French officers, even such as were decidedly imperialist, who conversed with us at Paris, and in different parts of the country, to acknowledge that they uniformly spoke in the highest terms of the conduct of the English troops.

Utterly astounded at the negligence of the duke of Brunswick, he exclaimed, while comparing him with Mack, "Les Prussiens sont encore plus stupides que les Autrichiens!" On being informed by some prisoners that the Prussians expected him from Erfurt when he was already at Naumburg, he said, "Ils se tromperont furieusement, ces perruques."

Now, in my mountains, or in your woods, we could just go out and fill our arms with glory in five minutes, whichever way we turned. These murmuring pines and well, I don't know that there are any hemlocks are all very splendid, and no one loves them better than I do; but for a Harvest festival decoration, 'Ils ne sont pas la dedans, as the French have it." "Slang, Tennessee! one cent!"