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The death of Lorenzo had been indirectly foretold by Savonarola, and now some of his disciples were not slow in showing an ill-becoming exultation. They said, "I told you so!" The intensity of the revival increased, and there was danger of its taking on the form of revolution. Savonarola saw this mob spirit at work, and for a time moderated his tone.

I am not only in honour bound to speak with Kamrasi, but I am also bound to carry out the orders of my country just as much as you are yours; moreover, I have invited Petherick to come to Kamrasi's by a letter from Karague, and it would be ill-becoming in me to desert him in the hands of an enemy, as he would then certainly find Kamrasi to be if I went back now."

As I had never, said he, given her the least room to hope I was ambitious of any favours from her of that nature, I could not help thinking she was guilty of some indecencies ill-becoming a woman of condition, as well as infidelity to her friendship for you, whom she might well see I adored: but alas!

He was a very great man, as I could see, with numerous houses, numerous wives, and plenty of everything, so that it was ill-becoming of him to be without his usual habits.

What I said was against the tinder-box: I said nothing against justices and constables, for they're o' King George's making, and it 'ud be ill-becoming a man in a parish office to fly out again' King George." While these discussions were going on amongst the group outside the Rainbow, a higher consultation was being carried on within, under the presidency of Mr.

A close study of the youth of Nero reveals the same traits that outcrop in one-half the students at Harvard traits ill-becoming to grown-up men, but not at all alarming in youth. Nero was self-willed and occasionally had tantrums but a tantrum is only a little whirl-wind of misdirected energy.

"But you are a thane now and must be called so," Osgod said sternly; "and it would be ill-becoming indeed if I your man did not so address you. But I will take your advice about the gold, and when I get down to Steyning will bury it deeply under the roots of a tree.

It sheds, however, a light on the young manhood of this earnest mountebank. It reveals a loneliness ill-becoming his years a loneliness of soul and heart of which he appears to be unconscious. Again, we have here and there the fleeting shadow of a petticoat.