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Lovaina wore a wine-colored peignoir, and in her red-brown hair many strands of the diaphanous reva-reva, delicate and beautiful, a beloved ornament taken from the young palm-leaf. O'Laughlin Considine and Brooke were much concerned for the unhappy mother, and asked how she was. "She cut off her hair," answered Lovaina, "like I do when my l'i'l boy was killed in cyclone nineteen huner' six.

Dan ihr must viel gebrauchen daz weise von Ganze und Enteneyeren, die wol gebraten sind, Rothkohl mit feysem fleisch gekockt, alte Huner kleyn gehacket, Hanen Kammen, Swezerichen, Schaffe und Geisse-milch mit Reisz gekockt, auch Kalbs und Taubengehirn viel gegessen mit Nucis Muscati; und Reinischer Wein mesich getruncken; es is gewis wan ihr dieses vielmaal thut, ihr zold wieder kreftich und mechtich werden, und es werd sijner liebsten auch gar wol gevellich zein.

For there were waifs and strays of barbarism there, uglier far than any waif and stray of civilization, border ruffian of the far west, buccaneer of the Tropic keys, Cimaroon of the Panama forests; men verbiesterte, turned into the likeness of beasts, wildfanger, huner, ogres, wehr-wolves, strong thieves and outlaws, many of them possibly mere brutal maniacs; naked, living in caves and coverts, knowing no law but their own hunger, rage, and lust; feeding often on human flesh; and woe to the woman or child or unarmed man who fell into their ruthless clutch.