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Meredith's contempt for what he styled the "mobocracy," his first question concerned the meeting. "A pooty mess yer've made of it, Meredith," growled Mr. Hennion. "I!" cried the squire, indignantly. "'T is naught I had to do with it." "An' 't is thet 'ere keepin' away dun the harm," scolded the elder Hennion. "Swamp it, yer let the hotheads control!

Yet in 1849 men saw the hotheads of this group in Montreal stoning a British Governor General and setting fire to the Parliament Buildings, while a few months later their elders issued a manifesto urging the annexation of Canada to the United States. Why this sudden shift? Simply because the old colonial system they had known and supported had come to an end.

All disclaimed, and honestly disclaimed, any knowledge of the infamy that had been aimed at old Jim Rowlett, but even in their frothy folly and yeasty clamour none was so bereft as to deny that the Harpers must face accountability. If war were inevitable, argued the hotheads, it were wisdom to strike the first blow.

He didn't go Nell's doctrine, for Nell was a rabid Secesh; neither did he swallow Abe Lincoln, and he'd advise Alice to keep a little more quiet, for there was no knowing what the hotheads might do. He'd heard of Harney's threatening vengeance on all Unionists, and now that Hugh was gone he might pounce on Spring Bank any night."

He pressed forward the organization of a new State government in Louisiana under Federal auspices. He wrote to Michael Hahn, the newly chosen governor of this somewhat fictitious State: "I congratulate you on having fixed your name in history as the first Free State governor of Louisiana." Meanwhile, the hotheads of the House again followed Davis's lead and flung defiance in Lincoln's face.

They had always been kind to him, you said." "Not a bit o' grudge," the mountaineer answered, "they were good friends. An' I reckon it wasn't Johnny that wanted the trouble to begin again, but thar's always a lot o' hotheads pryin' into other folks' business.

"And ye'll join hands with these thieves and vote with Bagby in Assembly?" "Guess I mought do wus. But if thet 'ere 's displeasin' ter yer, jest blame yerself for 't." "How reason ye that, man?" "Cuz I had it arranged thet I wuz ter side in with the king, and Phil wuz ter side in with the hotheads.

"A lot of hotheads have for sometime been urging me to have you arrested on the ground that you are editing and publishing a disloyal newspaper. Not wishing to do any injustice to a fellowman, I have taken means every week to obtain a copy of your paper, the Pacific Methodist; and allow me to say, sir, that no paper has ever come into my family which is such a favorite with all of us."

Aunt Clara said something about a fire at the Mallorings'." Felix stole a look at her. Yes! There was a lot in this child of his! Depth, warmth, and strength to hold to things. No use to treat her as a child! And he answered: "My dear, there's really nothing beyond what you know our young man and Sheila are hotheads, and things over there are working up a bit. We must try and smooth them down."

Yesterday Chief Justice Terry of the Supreme Court issued a habeas corpus writ for Billy Mulligan, Harrison came down today and served it." "What happened?" asked Benito, eagerly. "Well, the hotheads wanted to resist to throw him out. But Bluxome saw through the scheme to get us on record as defying Federal authority. So he hid Billy Mulligan and let Harrison search. Of course he found no one.