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"We-ell, I hed a bronk go hog-wild 'n' pop three wires on a fence one time," Applehead explained modestly, "'n' he didn't cut hisself a-tall, skurcely. It's all accordin' t' how yuh hit it, I reckon. Anyway, I calc'lated it was wuth tryin', 'cause we shore woulda had our hands full if we'd a stopped at that fence, now I'm tellin' yuh!

She'll help boost my little bunch of cattle, and that's all I want. I ain't going to go hog-wild over it, like so many do." He went over and skinned the mother wolf, and with the pelts in a strong-smelling bundle, returned to the sand pile and filled his neckerchief as full as he could tie it.

Tell a worl' no, no, no!" he remonstrated vehemently, until Bud whooped with laughter. "All right all right! Keep your gold, durn it. You're like all the rest minute you get your paws on to some of the real stuff, you go hog-wild over it." Cash was pouring the fine gold back into the buck skin bag and the baking-powder cans. "Let the kid play with it," he said.

Uh course we got stalled with the wagons, the second day out, but them women was sure ambitious, and made us go on with a packadero layout. I will say that, going down, they stood the hardships remarkable. It was coming back that frazzled the party. "And when we found the place say, but it was lucky you wasn't along! They sure went hog-wild when they seen the ruins.

I was pained to hear that you and Tom have both gone plum hog-wild, drinking out of cowtracks and living on wild garlic and land-terrapin, just like Injuns. Honest, boys, I hate to see good men go wrong that way." A week later we crossed the Belle Fourche, sometimes called the North Fork of the Big Cheyenne.

You can't commit a murder in a certain kind of psi field when probability goes hog-wild. Any other thing can happen to anybody else to you, for example but no violence can happen to the thing or person you're trying to do something violent to. The psi field has melted down ordinary probabilities. The violence you intend has become the most improbable of all conceivable things. You see?"

Interworld News is going hog-wild with it, and even the services we control can't play it down too much. I don't know who's going to be prosecuting these cases; but whoever it is, he won't dare pull any punches. And the whole thing's made Pendarvis hostile to us.

Howitt's stay at the ranch, and while Young Matt was in the burr- house with his father, they had gone over yet again the familiar incidents of the ghost story; how "Budd Wilson seen her as close as from here t' th' shop yonder." How "Joe Gardner's mule had gone plumb hog-wild when he tried to ride past the ol' ruins near th' ranch."