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His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

His Excellency, Lou Tseng-tsiang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. Monsieur le Ministre, In the name of my Government. I have the honour to make the following declaration to your Government: I avail, etc. His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

I hope your Government will agree to this proposal. I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

Let us first give the official text of the original Demands: JAPAN'S ORIGINAL TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS Translations of Documents Handed to the President, Yuan Shih-kai, by Mr. Hioki, the Japanese Minister, on January 18th, 1915.

Article 12 in the original South Manchurian Railway Agreement providing that it may be redeemed by China after 36 years from the day on which the traffic is opened is hereby cancelled. The term of the Antung-Mukden Railway shall expire in the 96th year of the Republic or 2007. I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister.

And His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Hioki Eki, Jushii, Second Class of the Imperial Order of the Sacred Treasure, Minister Plenipotentiary, and Envoy Extraordinary: Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles: Article 1.

The Chinese Government further agrees not to confiscate the said Company, nor, without the consent of the Japanese capitalists to convert it into a state enterprise, nor cause it to borrow and use foreign capital other than Japanese. I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

Let us first give the official text of the original Demands: JAPAN'S ORIGINAL TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS Translations of Documents Handed to the President, Yuan shih-kai, by Mr. Hioki, the Japanese Minister, on January 18th, 1915.

When a suitable opportunity arises in future, the Chinese Government will send military officers to Japan to negotiate with Japanese military authorities the matter of purchasing arms or that of establishing a joint arsenal. Mr. Hioki, the Japanese Minister, stated as follows: