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Vous, pauvres pleins d'envie, Vous, riches desireux, Vous, dont le char devie Apres un cours heureux; Vous, qui perdrez peut-etre Des titres eclatans, Eh gai! prenez pour maitre Le gros Roger Bontemps.

As if in reply to one verse, "Il faut les rendre heureux," "Oui, oui!" with lively unanimity, came from all parts of the house, and the singers were compelled to repeat the duet four times. "It is a queer nation this of ours," says the Princess Elizabeth, in relating the scene to one of her correspondents, "but we must allow that it has very charming moments.

De Catt the Reader, entering to him that evening as usual, the King advanced, in a tragic declamatory attitude; and gave him, with proper voice and gesture, an appropriate passage of Racine: "Enfin apres un an, tu me revois, Arbate, Non plus comme autrefois cet heureux Mithridate, Qui, de Rome toujours balancant le destin, Tenait entre elle et moi l'univers incertain.

'The Amours of the Gauls' was the pretence of his imprisonment; but the true cause was the song in which the king was treated with too much freedom, and which, upon this occasion, was brought to remembrance to ruin Bussi, the reputed author of it. Que Deodatus est heureux, De baiser ce bec amoureux, Qui d'une oreille a l'autre va!

An extraordinary luxury, this. We were thirteen at table. January 6. At dessert yesterday I offered some bonbons to the ladies, saying as I did so: Grace a Boissier, chere colombes, Heureux, a vos pieds nous tombons. Car on prend les forts par les bombes Et les faibles par les bonbons. The Parisians out of curiosity visit the bombarded districts.

The time seemed so long to Belle-Etoile, and still no signs of her beloved Cheri, that she fell dangerously ill; and in the hopes of curing her, Petit-Soleil resolved to seek him. But he too was swallowed up by the rock and fell into the great hall. The first person he saw was Cheri, but he could not speak to him; and Prince Heureux, following soon after, met with the same fate as the other two.

J'irai a Knowsley dans la seconde quinzaine d'octobre; a Sandringham, dans les premiers jours de novembre; puis mes neveux viendront tirer mes faisans. J'espere bien prendre part aux agapes du Club le 27 novembre et 11 decembre, et serai bien heureux de vous revoir un peu. En attendant je vous serre la main, mon cher confrere. To Lord Derby Foxholes, October 2nd.

The fire was then directed on Le Peuple Souverain, until she cut and dropped out of the line, totally dismasted and silenced. A Audacious. 1 Guerrier. B Bellerophon. 2 Conquérant. D Defence. 4 Aquilon. E Majestic. 5 Peuple Souverain. F Alexander. 6 Franklin. G Goliath. 7 L'Orient. L Leander. 8 Tonnant. M Minotaur. 9 Heureux. O Orion. 10 Mercure. S Swiftsure. 11 Guillaume Tell.

Thereupon the doctor insisted that his friend, whose name was Gustav Heureux, should accompany him home. So twenty minutes later they alighted from a taxi-cab in the Vauxhall Bridge Road, and entered the shabby little room wherein Weirmarsh schemed and plotted.

"On n'est plus heureux a notre age," says the old man, to one of his old generals, welcoming Tallard after his defeat; and he rewards him with honors, as if he had come from a victory. There is, if you will, something magnanimous in this welcome to his conquered general, this stout protest against Fate.