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It was a devils' anthem, glorifying hellishness suggestive of the gnashing of a million teeth, and the whicker of drawn blades more shuddersome and mean than the wind of a winter's night. And it ceased as suddenly as it had begun. Another ruffian fired at the roof, and while the crack of the shot yet echoed seven other of the arena guards stepped forward with long horns and blew a blast.

I must say of course that so far as your music is concerned, I am not with you. There is too much hullaballoo in it, and not enough plain hellishness to suit me. But rid this country of the whole tribe of Döderleins, and you will find that I am your man. Not that I would invite you to take dinner with me, so that you could have me make you a loan, not on your life.

"Fools who are led by rascals! Rascals who would wreck an express train for the chance to pick pocketbooks off corpses! There's been that element behind every piece of political hellishness and every strike we've had in this country in the last two years since the Russian bear stood up and began to dance to that devil's tune!

Iredale's money-bags should surely be opened for him that night before he returned home. He would levy a heavy toll for his silence. His great dark eyes, so indicative of the unrestrained nature which was his, burned with deep, cruel fires as he gazed out upon the scene. There was a profoundness, a capacity for hellishness in their expression which scarcely belonged to a sanely-balanced mind.

It puts a weapon of argument into the hands of every rake and ruiner; 'If you get into trouble, this stuff will fix you all right. How many suicides do you suppose your 'Boon to Womanhood' and its kind of hellishness causes in a year, thanks to the help of your honest journalism?" "When I said we were honest, I wasn't thinking of the advertising." "But I am.

"To kill more, I guess?" "If it is in my power." "Young man, don't you feel the hellishness of the thought?" "Yes," replied Bob, "I shudder at the thought of it." "Then my advice to you is desert. When you get well enough, get out of France and come to America where you can live in peace.

As fur back as the time I was gittin' the seed in, them hens of Widder Sidene Pike, that lives next farm to mine, began their hellishness, with that old wart-legged ostrich of a rooster of her'n to lead 'em.

Not the fact, for I should fight again as long and try to fight harder in the same cause, but the hellishness of it the damnable, inhuman obscenity of it I should like to forget. I never said so before, Miss Caroline, there was no one to say it to, but it made me old before my time.

Indeed yes. But the name of this valley doth woundily differ from the name of that one; indeed to differ wider were not pos " "What was that name, then?" "The Valley of Hellishness." "That explains it. Confound a telephone, anyway. It is the very demon for conveying similarities of sound that are miracles of divergence from similarity of sense. But no matter, you know the name of the place now.

I left Mr. Blofeld and went on. The hail of bullets grew even worse. They whistled and cracked and squealed, and I began to wonder why on earth I didn't get mine. Men were falling on all sides and the shrieks of those hit were the worst I had heard. The darkness made it worse, and although I had been over the top before by daylight this was the last limit of hellishness.