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The man with the "Good-money-making idea" struggles on with it over the bodies of suicides and of those who have fallen in despair. At the bottom of the road the murderer plies his trade with knife or poison to make money. And the murderer who has tried for MUCH money calls forth special interest and special privileges, special new trials, special newspaper headings.

There, the kindly physician and his stomach-pump will perform their duty, and the patient wears a feather in his cap for the rest of his life. The majority of these suicides are on a par with French duels a harmless institution whereby the protagonists honour themselves; they confer, as it were, a patent of virility.

The cases of voluntary resort to poison are astonishingly few, but it must be remembered that the foregoing figures only embrace successful suicides, and antidotes to poison often come in season where the rope or the river would have made quick and fatal work.

You can always come close to foretelling how many suicides will occur in Paris, London, and New York, next year, and also how many deaths will result from cancer, consumption, dog-bite, falling out of the window, getting run over by cabs, etc., if you know the statistics of those matters for the present year.

Hanks was fond of telling me that I was rapidly outgrowing the reputation Doctor Todd and Mr. Pound had made for me on Park Row. Accounts of murders, suicides, yacht-races, robberies, public meetings, railroad accidents all the varied events which make up a day's news followed the funeral into Gladys Todd's archives. You can readily imagine that my views of life soon underwent a change.

Our people have become the slaves of others, and the spirit of a nation which has stood for 4,000 years, since the days of Tun Kun and Ke-ja has perished in a single night. Alas! fellow-countrymen. Alas!" Suicides, resignations, and lamentation were of no avail.

Item, the burgomaster picked up another letter, which was addressed to himself, and wherein the knight prayed, first, that his body might not be drawn by the executioner to burial, as was the custom with suicides, but conveyed honourably to Stramehl, and there deposited in the vault of his family; secondly, that his daughter Sidonia might be sent to Zachow, there to learn how to live humbly as a peasant maid for that she might look to being a Duchess of Pomerania, only when she could keep her evil desires still for even a couple of days.

Whatever activity may be attributed to causes of destruction, such as the tyranny of the conquistadores, the faults of governors, the too severe labours of the gold-washings, the small-pox and the frequency of suicides,* it would be difficult to conceive how in thirty or forty years three or four hundred thousand Indians could entirely disappear. See Patriota tome 2 page 50.

"He's killed himself," she cried. "It's unfort'nate Stiggs done over again there goes another counterpane God pity his poor mother! it will be the ruin of my house. Has the poor lad a sister? Where's that girl? there, Betty, go to Snarles the Painter, and tell him to paint me a sign, with "no suicides permitted here, and no smoking in the parlor;" might as well kill both birds at once. Kill?

Later you shall know still more therefrom, that is yet secret and obscure before you. Now look once more around you, and then let us go out. "Now you know what is the meaning of this melancholy house, whose door the ivy enters with the close of a man's life from time to time. You know that the family brings its suicides hither to burial, because elsewhere they have no place.