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The white heliographs of the elements flashed their warnings across the black sky, and the roaring artillery of the thunder came after, making the circle of prairie and tree and stream a theatre of anger and conflict. The streets of Jansen were washed with flood, and the green and gold things of garden and field and harvest crumbled beneath the sheets of rain.

It sounded so near that for a time we thought our own outposts were engaged with the enemy. Kaffirs say this was a Boer attack on Pieter's Station, but their story is not confirmed. General Buller heliographs that he is still going strong, but the country is difficult and progress slow. Lord Roberts, according to another helio-signal, has Cronje surrounded.

To-day we have no longer a choice before us, only a decision. The period of mechanical Prussianization is over for us, the period of the mechanical policy of Force is over for all the world, although the heliographs of Versailles seem to reflect it high above the horizon. It is not a capitalistic Peace of God as imagined by the international police which has now begun; it is the social epoch.

Marine and Military Signals Code Flags Wig-wag Semaphore Telegraphs Heliographs Ardois Signals Submarine Signals. In naval affairs some kind of an effective signal system is imperative. Even in the ordinary evolutions of a fleet the commander needs some better way of communicating with the ship captains than despatching a messenger in a small boat.

Hennage paused and glanced across the blistering half- mile of desert, to where the sun glinted on the dun walls of the Hat Ranch. In the middle distance a dashing girlish figure in a blue dress was walking up the tracks. Mr. Hennage's three gold teeth flashed like heliographs. "This world is so full o' a number o' things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings"

Far on the flanks the twinkling heliographs revealed the position of the wide-spread wings. On May 10th Lord Roberts's force, which had halted for three days at Smaldeel, moved onwards to Welgelegen. French's cavalry had come up by road, and quickly strengthened the centre and left wing of the army.

The ancients had evolved systems by which any word could be spelled, but they did not seem to be able to apply them practically to their primitive heliographs. An application of sound-signaling was worked out for Alexander the Great, which was considered one of the scientific wonders of antiquity.

They had retreated to their triangle of cylinders again, in the circle about Woking. Signallers with heliographs were pushing forward upon them from all sides. Guns were in rapid transit from Windsor, Portsmouth, Aldershot, Woolwich even from the north; among others, long wire-guns of ninety-five tons from Woolwich.

Yet on that occasion heliographs reported his movements; the King's escort was doubled and the King went little abroad." "Who stands at Louis' back? Revolutionists?" "Dios! No, Señor. The Galavians are cattle. Karyl or Louis, it is one to them. Galavia is a key. The key cares not at what porter's belt it jingles. Europe cares who opens and closes the lock. Comprende?

I envy the gunner's feelings, though for the moment I thought he had killed my horse at the door. The Town Hall is now really picturesque, just the sort of ruin visitors will expect to see after a bombardment. With a little tittifying it will be worth thousands to the Colonials. The day was cool and cloudy; fair shelling weather, but bad for heliographs. So my Christmas message is still delayed.