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There are people who can do all fine and heroic things but one! keep from telling their happinesses to the unhappy. Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar. After visits to Maryborough and some other Australian towns, we presently took passage for New Zealand. If it would not look too much like showing off, I would tell the reader where New Zealand is; for he is as I was; he thinks he knows.

You will come to a man sitting in a little box scarcely big enough for himself to turn round in, and if you read his sign, it is some flowing name about a hall; it may be the "Hall of Continual Virtue," or something of that kind, or the "Hall of the Five Happinesses."

He must deal with the happinesses of life and not only with its miseries; with its harmonies and not only its dislocations. He must remember the thousand homes in which is to be found the quiet and faithful discharge of duty, inspired at once and illumined by the family affections, and not forget that in such as these the strength of a country lies.

It was one of the few happinesses that he had derived from his brother's family! After such achievements on Constance's part, it was impossible to withhold as they drove back to Northmoor the proposal to take her with them, and the effect was magical.

They condition our happinesses as well as our unhappinesses and supply for us the strings of that harp of the senses upon which the music of life is played. Life really gains its spiritual content through the action and interaction of the aspiring self upon its environment whether that environment be intimate as the protest of a disturbed bodily cell or remote as Orion and the Pleiades.

His feelings came out to meet him, as it were, and beautiful happinesses with kind eyes and smiles danced before him, and clad him in a robe of honour, and scattered flowers on his path, and blew trumpets and shawms of sweet gratulation, calling, "Here comes the conqueror! Make way for the champion!"

"You will fatigue yourself." "That is no matter," he answered, making a deep obeisance before her whom he believed to be his wife. "Ten thousand happinesses be with you!" Yu-lang graciously replied. "What an exquisite pair!" cried the wife of Liu, proud of her son and happy at his fortune. The false bride's beauty was meanwhile strangely reviving the invalid's vitality.

We judge of the origin of this love from its delights; for who in any case knows or has known the trace of any love except from its delight and pleasurableness? The delights of conjugial love in their origins are felt as beatitudes, satisfactions, and happinesses, in their derivations as pleasantnesses and pleasures, and in their ultimates as superlative delights.

Surely they could yield the domestic happinesses of the little remaining day of life in this world, in order to save and prosper those who were not to enjoy their supreme exaltation of beatitude in the world to come. I had felt my brother strong under my hand. He rose, when I concluded.

Next morning at sunrise we clambered out together, and together we gathered sticks, and together bent over the fire and blew into its struggling little flames. Life was rich. We hob-nobbed together. We doubled all our happinesses, and we promised to share all our griefs. Sitting on the rocks there were many of them about, of all shape and size we taught one another songs.