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Janetta's cheeks crimsoned, but she did not reply. Loyal as she was to her friend, she felt that there was not much to be said for her at that moment. "You are a good friend," said her father, in a half-teasing, half-affectionate tone. "You don't like me to say anything bad of her, do you? Well, my dear, for your comfort I must tell you that she did her best to-day to make up for past omissions.

Many things were doubtful; but there could be no doubt of the love that Neilson bore his daughter. The amused, half-teasing words with which he received her did not in the least disguise it. "The joy and the light of his life," Ben commented to himself. The gray old claim-jumper had this to redeem him, at least. "But why so many horses, Beatrice?" he asked. "You brought some one with you?"

Oh! how d'ye do, Sir Edmund; have I kept my veil straight?" "Charming," said Edmund, with a low bow. The child really looked very pretty, though rather like a little dairymaid dressed up for fun, and her long gloves slipped far enough from the shoulders to show some splendidly red arms. "Charming," he said again in a half-teasing voice. "Only I don't approve of such late hours for children."

"Whatever you call those two-centimeter substitutes for mosquitoes. I think I'd almost rather have faced a derybach they only come at you one at a time, and if one ate me for dinner I wouldn't be around to mind it afterward." He paused, assessing Hovan's reaction to the half-teasing complaint. Hovan was looking puzzled. "Those damn bugs ate on me for six days straight!

"Yes, my own field kit," he answered, thinking that the novelty of tea from a soldier's service had appealed to her; for she was smiling. "So, you being the host and I the guest now, why, you pour!" she said. There was a touch of brittleness in her tone of half-teasing, half-serious brittleness.

"Do let us go more quickly, father; I can hear the drums," the young girl said, and in a half-teasing, half-coaxing manner she urged her companion forward. "The troops are marching into the Tuileries," said he. "Or marching out of it everybody is coming away," she answered in childish vexation, which drew a smile from her father.

Her face wore a half-pleasing, half-teasing expression, but like Honor she was seeking to veneer the real truth under assumed veils at the same time that she was dying to draw out the latent phases of her companion's nature.

If I'd leave him the photograph, perhaps but at that I drew back, for I didn't want anybody, least of all at Torquay, to know what quest I was engaged upon. We drove back, a merry party enough, in spite of my failure. Minnie was always so jolly, and her mirth was contagious. She talked all the way still of Dr. Ivor, half-teasing me.

His whimsical, half-teasing, yet, at bottom, anxious look touched Meynell strangely. "With all my life and with all my strength!" Meynell's gaze was fixed intently on his questioner. The night-light in the basin on the farther side of the room threw the strong features into shadowy relief, illumining the yearning kindliness of the eyes. "What made tha believe in Him?"

Lily was very outspoken, particularly so where she saw cause for disapproval, and above all if she thought others were assuming too much; and she had on certain occasions so plainly made known her opinion of some of Grade's assumption, that a sort of chronic feud had become established between the two, not breaking out into open hostility, but showing itself in a half-slighting, half-teasing way with Lily, and with Gracie in a manner partly scornful, partly an affectation of indifference.