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Anyway, the Ambassador would already understand that the family took a deep interest in the fate of Ivor Dundas, and would not be wholly astonished at receiving a call from me.

There was no alternative, therefore, but to ascend to the hut, and there wait patiently until the shades of night should favour their escape. Finn pushed on as fast as was possible with a band in which there were so many almost helpless ones. He carried one of the youngest children in his arms, and Ivor the Old brought up the rear with a very old woman leaning on his arm.

Ivor went at once to the place where the armour was kept, and brought out the desired weapons, which he placed in the hands of the hermit, and watched his mode of handling them with some curiosity. Christian, unconscious of the look, strung the bow and examined one of the arrows with the air of a man who was thoroughly accustomed to such weapons.

"Oh, Shames! ye was always in too great a hurry," remonstrated the skipper, oblivious of the fact that he himself had been too slow. "Quick, man, fire!" cried Ivor, testily. The captain tried to energise. In doing so he let off one barrel at the celestial orbs unintentionally. The other might as well have gone the same way, for all the execution it did.

The line of the regulars was formed directly fronting the attack of the Highlanders; it glittered with the appointments of a complete army, and was flanked by cavalry and artillery. But the sight impressed no terror on the assailants. "'Forward, sons of Ivor, cried their chief, 'or the Camerons will draw the first blood! They rushed on with a tremendous yell. "The rest is well known.

There was no farther inclination to laugh among the audience, and a dead silence ensued. The Judge then pronounced upon both prisoners the sentence of the law of high treason, with all its horrible accompaniments. The execution was appointed for the ensuing day. 'For you, Fergus Mac- Ivor, continued the Judge, 'I can hold out no hope of mercy.

I said I was engaged, and hoped to begin my life all over again in a different way, though he might be sure that I'd know how to keep his secrets as well as my own. Oh, Ivor, to think that was hardly more than a week ago! I was happy then. I feel twenty years older now." "A week ago. You've been engaged only a week?" I broke in. "Not many days more.

'But you cannot go on foot, and I shall want no horse, as I must march on foot at the head of the children of Ivor; you shall have brown Dermid. 'If you will sell him, I shall certainly be much obliged. 'The sooner the better, answered Waverley. 'You are right, since go you must, or rather, since go you will. I will take Flora's pony and ride with you as far as Bally-Brough.

Hollyhock was sincerely glad to find herself once again on the highroad, but in some mysterious way her dislike for Ardshiel had vanished, and she felt furiously angry with Ivor Chetwode for daring to take notice of her plain sister, Gentian. She got into the house without much difficulty, bathed her swollen lip, and retired to bed to think of Ivor's blue eyes.

As a matter of fact, whatever sum she chooses to pay, I shall hand it over at once to the Bombay Plague Hospital." Sir Ivor looked relieved. "Thank you ever so much!" he said, wringing her hand warmly. "I thowt you were a brick, and now I know it. My wife says your face inspires confidence, and your voice sympathy. She MUST have you with her. And you, Dr. Cumberledge?"