United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I had been present at a production of the Zauberflote under the direction of Guhr, then wonderfully renowned as 'a conductor of genius, and was agreeably surprised at the truly excellent quality of the company.

There may be some of you who have not yet heard and some who have forgotten the facts connected with this outrage upon public rights. Some years ago, Mr. Lippert got a concession for the sole right to manufacture and sell dynamite and all other explosives. He was to manufacture the dynamite in this country. For years he imported dynamite under the name of Guhr Impregne duty free.

Guhr, of Frankfort, also may be reckoned as belonging to it. This venerable and worthy man evidently looked at my score with some little shyness; but, he took good care of the orchestra, which he led with a degree of precision and firmness impossible to excel. He was, clearly, a man not to be trifled with, and his forces obeyed him to perfection.

The various ingredients, such as sulphur, guhr, saltpetre, etc., are believed to be plentiful in the State, but their exploitation is found to be more costly than it is to import the pure articles from Europe. The investment is represented mostly by French and German shareholders, the Transvaal Government also possessing a portion of the shares.