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What has been said about it, either at White's or parmi les Grenouilles at Brooks's, I know not. I have not been out but for an hour before dinner to Mr. Woodcock.

" Et quel dessin, monsieur? 'Beetles and frogs, in green. 'Escargots! grenouilles! he cries, with a shriek; 'Et pour Monsieur Selwyn! Monsieur Fox badine! It came yesterday, by Crawford, and I sent it to Chesterfield Street in time for George to wear to the Duchess's. He has been twice to Piccadilly after me, and twice here, and swears he will have my heart.

" Et quel dessin, monsieur? 'Beetles and frogs, in green. 'Escargots! grenouilles! he cries, with a shriek; 'Et pour Monsieur Selwyn! Monsieur Fox badine! It came yesterday, by Crawford, and I sent it to Chesterfield Street in time for George to wear to the Duchess's. He has been twice to Piccadilly after me, and twice here, and swears he will have my heart.

Silence des grenouilles. Arthur Young, "Travels in France during 1787, '88, '89," p. 537. It is singular proof how entirely research into the condition of the country and the people of France had been neglected both by its philosophers and its statesmen, that there does not seem to have been any publication in the language which gave information on these subjects. And this work of Mr.

" Et quel dessin, monsieur? 'Beetles and frogs, in green. 'Escargots! grenouilles! he cries, with a shriek; 'Et pour Monsieur Selwyn! Monsieur Fox badine! It came yesterday, by Crawford, and I sent it to Chesterfield Street in time for George to wear to the Duchess's. He has been twice to Piccadilly after me, and twice here, and swears he will have my heart.

Mme. Riccoboni in 1767 wrote to Garrick of the French: 'Un mensonge grossier les révolte. Si on voulait leur persuader que les Anglais vivent de grenouilles, meurent de faim, que leurs femmes sont barbouillées, et jurent par toutes les lettres de l'alphabet, ils leveraient les épaules, et s'écriraient, quel sot ose écrire ces misères-l

" Possible que vous ne le voyiez pas, dit Smiley, possible que vous vous entendiez en grenouilles, possible que vous ne vous y entendez point, possible que vous avez de l'experience, et possible que vous ne soyez qu'un amateur. De toute maniere, je parie quarante dollars qu'elle battra en sautant n'importe quelle grenouille du comte de Calaveras.

" Possible qua vous ne le voyiez pat, dit Smiley, possible que vous vous entendiez en grenouilles, possible que vous ne vous y entendez point, possible qua vous avez de l'experience, et possible que vous ne soyez qu'un amateur. De toute maniere, je parie quarante dollars qu'elle battra en sautant n'importe quelle grenouille du comte de Calaveras.