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"The wife's awa' to Granton, Beeny Liston they ca' her there's his house," added Jean, pointing up the row. "Ay," said the fisherman, "I ken he lived there." "Lived there!" cried Christie Johnstone. "Oh, what's this?" "Freends," said the man, gravely, "his boat is driving keel uppermost in Kircauldy Bay. We passed her near enough to read the name upon her."

At the same time, as it was probable Lord Craig-Ellachie would have started for the moors before the telegram reached the Lodge, I did not myself expect to see the reply arrive much before seven or eight that evening. Meanwhile, as it was far from certain we had not the real David Granton to deal with, it was necessary to be polite to our friendly rivals.

She should always say that nowhere on earth had she met with so cordial or friendly a reception as at Seldon Castle. But she accepted, unreservedly. "It can't be Colonel Clay," I remarked to Charles. "He would never have come here. Even as David Granton, with far more reason for coming, he wouldn't put himself in our power: he preferred the security and freedom of the Cromarty Arms."

He was convicted on his own evidence of having tried to induce the supposed David Granton to sell his father's interests into an enemy's hands, and of every other shady trick into which his well-known business acuteness had unfortunately hurried him during the course of his adventures.

"'And nothing would please me so much, Harry, old boy, as that a maid of Granton should wed a Brammerton, he answered earnestly. "'Then it's a go, said I, full of enthusiasm. "'It's a go, Harry. "And we raised our winecups, such as they were. "'Your daughter, Fred! "'Your heir, Harry! "'The future Earl and Countess of Brammerton and Hazelmere, we chimed together.

You are an impetuous, headstrong young devil though, with a touch of your mother in you, and, 'gad, if I don't like you the more for it. "But, but," he went on, looking in front of him, "you must remember that although Granton and I were mere boys at the time our vow was made, he was a Granton and I a Brammerton, whose vows are made to keep.

David Granton, or whatever else we're to call her, ought certainly to be prosecuted and sent to prison, too and have her absurd head of hair cut short and combed straight for her. But and you will help me here, I'm sure, dear Seymour I cannot allow them to arrest my Césarine. I don't pretend to say Césarine isn't guilty; the girl has behaved most ungratefully to me.

"You'd better beat it on out of the South as quick as you can," an old tramp had warned me, "they're hell on a bum down here, and harder yet on a Yankee ... no, they haven't forgot that yet not by a damn sight!" I was soon to wish that I had listened to the old tramp's wisdom. In the chill grey dip of an early spring dawn I dropped off a freight in the yards of the town of Granton.

Sir W. H. Stisted accompanied him to Granton, whence, with new hopes and aspirations, he set sail. Spectacularly, Iceland Ultima Thule as he calls it was a disappointment to him. "The giddy, rapid rivers," were narrow brooks, Hecla seemed but "half the height of Hermon," the Great Geyser was invisible until you were almost on the top of it. Its voice of thunder was a mere hiccough.

"With all my heart, they have often bothered me." "Send her round to Granton Pier, in the Firth of Forth." "I will, sir." "And write down this prescription." And away he walked again, thinking the prescription. "Saunders," appealed his master. "Saunders be hanged." "Sir!" said Saunders, with dignity, "I thank you." "Don't thank me, thank your own deserts," replied the modern Chesterfield.