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But the results of Graeco- Latin, and even of Phoenician, culture were brought to bear on these subordinate fields just as on the higher provinces of intellectual activity, and for that reason the foreign literature relating to them cannot but have attracted some measure of attention. Jurisprudence Jurisprudence, on the other hand, was only in a subordinate degree affected by foreign elements.

Intratur hinc per Oceanum in regionem Niconoram, vel Nacumeram, habentem in circuitu spacium mille leucarum: omnes ibi geniti homines habent capita ad formam canum, vnde et in Graeco Cynocephali dicuntur. Isti etiam incedunt nudis corporibus, excepto parui panniculi operimento, secretiora loca et posteriora retro tegente.

The use of the elegiac metre to tell stories from Graeco- Roman mythology and legendary Roman history is begun in several poems which, though Propertius has not the story-telling gift of Ovid, showed the way to the delightful narratives of the Fasti. A few of the more personal elegies have a new and not very agreeable kind of realism, as though Musset had been touched with the spirit of Flaubert.

Nonnulli etiam eorum in Graeco, aut Latino literati consueuerunt cum deuotione cordis id lectitare. Idem liber dicit Iudaeos perfidos fuisse, quod Iesu eis primum misso a Deo, et multa miracula facienti credere noluerunt, quodque per ipsum tota gens Iudaeorum fuit digne decepta, et merito illusa hoc modo.

But the results of Graeco- Latin, and even of Phoenician, culture were brought to bear on these subordinate fields just as on the higher provinces of intellectual activity, and for that reason the foreign literature relating to them cannot but have attracted some measure of attention. Jurisprudence Jurisprudence, on the other hand, was only in a subordinate degree affected by foreign elements.

Aristoteles quidem, auctoritate et auxiliis regum, et maxime Alexandri, fecit in Graeco quae voluit, et multis millibus hominum usus est in experientia scientiarum, et expensis copiosis, sicut historiae narrant."

He at last imagines himself qualified to enter the world, and has met with adventures in his first sally, which I shall, by your paper, communicate to the publick. I am, &c. No. 195. Nescit equo rudis Haerere ingenuus puer, Venarique timet doctior, Seu Graeco jubeas trocho, Seu malis vetita legibus alea. HOR. Lib. iii. Ode xxiv. 54.

In the Actio prima of his Verrine orations Cicero gives a graphic picture of a convivium beginning early, where the proposal was made and agreed to that the drinking should be "more graeco." But it would be a great mistake to suppose that this kind of self-indulgence was characteristic of the average Roman life of this age.

Some assert that their name was derived from CAM and GRAECO, that is, distorted Greek, on account of the affinity of their languages, contracted by their long residence in Greece; but this conjecture, though plausible, is not well founded on truth.

I now very briefly, and 'under all reserves, allude to the only modern parallel in our country with which I am acquainted. We have seen that Iamblichus includes insensibility to fire among the privileges of Graeco- Egyptian 'mediums. The same gift was claimed by Daniel Dunglas Home, the notorious American spiritualist.