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The tonsor inequalis is inevitably betrayed when he takes the shears in his hand; is it not true, Messer Bardo? I speak after the fashion of a barber, but, as Luigi Pulci says "`Perdonimi s'io fallo: chi m'ascolta Intenda il mio volgar col suo latino."

It is said that some very celebrated men frequented his school, and, among others, Marcus Cicero, during the time he held the praetorship . He wrote a number of works, although he did not live beyond his fiftieth year; but Atteius, the philologist , says, that he left only two volumes, "De Latino Sermone;" and, that the other works ascribed to him, were composed by his disciples, and were not his, although his name is sometimes to be found in them.

The jovial friend, good-naturedly scornful, cried out that of course they did, and added with triumphant air that they were not in the language of to-day but in latino, latino! All this came as a revelation to the other, who stared and marvelled, never taking his eyes from my face. At length he burst out with an emphatic question; these same books, were they large?

We may recall Ariosto's verses: "Io venni dove le campagne rosse eran del sangue barbaro e latino che fiera stella dianzi a furor mosse. "E vidi un morto all' altro si vicino che, senza premer lor, quasi il terreno a molte miglia non dava il cammino. "E da chi alberga fra Garonna e Reno vidi uscir crudelta, che ne dovria tutto il mondo d'orror rimaner pieno."

Actuated by these motives, Nicholas III. contrived that, with the influence of the emperor, the government of Tuscany should be taken from Charles, and Latino his legate was therefore sent into the province in the name of the empire.

In science, discovery, and invention the Negroes claim Lislet Geoffroy of the French Academy, Latino and Amo, well known in European university circles; and in America the explorers Dorantes and Henson; Banneker, the almanac maker; Wood, the telephone improver; McCoy, inventor of modern lubrication; Matseliger, who revolutionized shoemaking.

"You know the language of the Mexican brothers and your skin says that you are south of the border." "All skin, as you put it, can be American. An American is from everywhere." "I know English well, and I am Latino so I guess I'm American as apple pie." "You seem to think we have it in for foreigners. You can be Mexican, American, or Martian for what I care.